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Oshun. Private Collection.

How do you show your beloved that you love them?

What special things do you do for your partner or spouse to make their day go smoother, to make them feel relaxed and special?
What do you do day in and day out for your children because you love them and want them to be happy?
Take a minute and make a short list – it doesn’t take long.  I’m sure you will think of many things immediately – but just list a few.  A few are all that is necessary.
Reread your list.  Feel the glow that you get from letting the people you love know that they are loved. 
Now answer this:  when was the last time you did any one of those things just for yourself?
In order to love others fully, you must first love yourself.  If you aren’t taking care of your own self as Beloved, start right now.  Think of it as a gift of love to those others who are beloved to you, because it allows your understanding of love to expand.  Pick something off the list you just made and do it for yourself.  Today. 

Wylde Women’s Wisdom: 

As we understand the impersonal nature of the Law of Cause and Effect we can CHOOSE to take more responsibility for what we have created in our lives.  The more responsibility we take, the less likely we are to think that forces outside ourselves are limiting or controlling our lives.  Ultimately, life is about choices.  There is no destiny, only our unlimited ability to choose.  Katherine Q. Revoir 


  • […] pretty much been my whole life).  Instead, for once, and right now, do for yourself.  Treat yourself as you would your beloved child:  lots of hugs, a favorite meal, a walk (in the rain if necessary) with a camera to notice […]

  • This is the first time I have read your blog. It is very inspiring and so true. Thanks for sharing.

  • […] 1.  How Do You Treat Your Beloved?  Since the Wylde Woman has re-entered my life with a great deal of energy, I realize it’s time to fall in love with myself again.  And to do that, I need to know who I am and how I’ve changed since I last did some deep checking in. […]

  • Thanks Tammy, this is good to read, to follow, and to keep in mind and heart!
    Love from Paris

  • Wow Tammy, what a great exercise! It was so easy to think of things I do for my beloved. We like different things, so I do different things for him than I do for me. And I could use a few extras for me right now. Thanks for pointing this out!

  • And as Nut says, It doesn’t hurt to wash your hands in between.

    Great Post, Tammy.

  • What a great exercise! I think we all focus on doing all sorts of things for everyone else and leave ourselves for last. Thanks for giving people a way to see it in black and white…or crayon and construction paper 🙂

  • You are right on. I am starting to unapologetically take time for myself. I return to my family renewed and full of love!

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