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Unfold, Imagine.  Talisman jewelry by Tammy Vitale“…the truth is, you will stumble into clarity.  Actually, you will finally run smack into a sense of self-permission, then admission.  You see, you already know what you’d die to do.  You just keep ignoring that temptation that makes you giggle and flush in hopes that you can find a smugly sensible resolution instead.”   Tama Kieves, This Time I Dance.

“…the question ‘would you be wiling to die for your beliefs (passion) has dropped into my consciousness 3x now.  It is very scary.  I have hidden from it (knowing whacks are gonna eventually come if I keep doing that)…I grew out of my battering situation and learned empowerment.  the intervening years I have learned the importance of mutual cooperation between the sexes, to journal, to find myself, to discover these fascinating avenues of exploration and to meet the friends who can help me assimilate it all.  Most importantly, I guess, to let things die as they must so that new things can be born.  Including my old self.”  my journal 11/20/94

What would you die for?  Because the truth is sooner or later we all are going to die, and you are moving toward that one day at a time.  The way you spend each day of the time you have is what you are willing to die for.  Are you happy with each day you spend?  Utterly delighted?  Do you wake in the morning anticipating the day ahead with relish and glee?  Do you go to bed at night satisfied with the steps you’ve made and grateful for what you are dying for?  If you answered “Hell YES!” to each of these questions, you need read no further.  In fact, contact me so I can interview you!

If you cannot answer each of this questions with a resounding “Hell YES!” you might want to consider getting clear on what you would love to die for and how to get it.

And Tama has it right.  In our heart of hearts each of us does know what we would die for.  Our heart whispers it to us all the time.  Some days it’s more like shouting.  And maybe even a few all out, feet stamping, fist shaking “WHY WHY WHY” outburts (or maybe that’s just me).

So what exactly is it that you’d like to do but can’t because [fill in the blank].  Forget how you’re going to do it, just get really clear on what it is.

*Go ahead, admit it.  Then give yourself permission to do it.  What anyone else thinks is not pertinent here.  Give yourself permission.  Preferably out loud and in front of the mirror looking yourself directly in the eye. And then claim it as your birthright. Because this is exactly what you came here to do and time’s awastin.’

Now write a paragraph on how you feel when you are living this dream.  Make sure you touch on all the senses because if you get this down really well, your subsconscious will perk right up and help you start noticing things you have overlooked which will take you right to the door of what your heart desires.  And you will have to stay the path and open the door – so you have work to do.  Wishing won’t cut it.

Repeat from “*” as often as necessary.   And have fun at it.  Sign up for my coloring book – right over there above my picture – if you haven’t already.  Let your inner child out to play – kids are fearless.  Reclaim your childlike innocence:  dress up, change your name for a day, pretend you are whomever you think you can’t be but want to be, call your best friend forever and make time to get together and dream – ask her to help you stay the path.  Go ahead:  I double dare you!

P.S.  Give yourself permission to color outside the lines.

Wylde Women’s Widsom:  The heart knows.  There’s nothing to choose.  Just something to set loose….The vagueness will clear when you decide to embrace whatever you hear…You came with instincts and imperatives and they will thrust through the mud and bud in their own glad season.  It’s not your answers or ideas that you need to worry about.  It’s your resistance to your ideas, any immediate reaction to choke the strange and uncomfortable…the heart always knows.  You have everything you need.  Tama Kieves This Time I Dance


  • I am willing to die to every moment because when I do I discover it has been speaking to me loudly and clearly. Thank you for your thoughtful post.

    Tammy- you posted on my blog (thank you!) and I wanted to answer your question- I created a stencil for the outline of the house :).

  • […] When you die, you will not be sorry for the time you took to make some time for the things that are really important.  What important things do you have on that busy busy busy todo list in your pocket/on your Google calendar? […]

  • Hell, Yes! I’ve finally accepted the fact that I want to be a public speaker, inspirational, motivational, story-telling. I want to help myself and others to recognize the full enjoyment of life. Along with the speaking in public, I’m giving myself permission to write a book about an analogy I wrote called ‘You’re the Boat. I also volunteer in my community as the Promotions Chair for the Downtown Development Authority. I help promote the people, businesses and events that give us all something to look forward to! Hell Yes, I can have a positive influence!!! xoxo

  • […] I’m here to tell you that your very own Hell YES! life is patiently waiting for […]

  • […] Find someone who can help you see the possibility and beauty and genius of living a life you would die for- and let the resultinglight you shine make a space for others to find their way too.  The world […]

  • Tammy, that is powerful stuff you are enfolding here, right under our noses, and with the announcement that we can/should use it:) Thanks for giving me a direction of where to guide my thoughts (and actions) today and not only today…

  • Oh Tammy! What a beautiful, BOLD post! By far, my favorite so far…. 🙂

  • <div class="apbct-real-user-wrapper"> <div class="apbct-real-user-author-name">Tammy Vitale</div> <div class="apbct-real-user-badge"> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img" style="align-self: center;"> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup apbct-trp-popup-desktop" id="apbct_trp_comment_id_2639"> <div class="apbct-real-user-title"> <p class="apbct-real-user-popup-header">The Real Person!</p> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup-content_row"> <div> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img"> </div> <div> <span class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Author <b>Tammy Vitale</b> acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.</span> </div> </div> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup-content_row"> <div> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img"> </div> <div> <span class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup apbct-trp-popup-mob" id="apbct_trp_comment_id_2639"> <div class="apbct-real-user-title"> <p class="apbct-real-user-popup-header">The Real Person!</p> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup-content_row"> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img"> <span class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Author <b>Tammy Vitale</b> acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.</span> </div> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup-content_row"> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img"> <span class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div>

    “yeah, like we need another one of those either”
    Sheri – when you talk about/to yourself, be nice! Remember that no other person in the world sees through your eyes and thus no one else in the world (ever: past, present or future) will take the pictures you take. You do not know who is waiting for them. Do not be selfish and keep your talents from the rest of us!

  • I have been visiting your site for a few weeks and know I want to spend time working on the things you write about. Today really hit hard. I have been a portrait photographer for 29 years. Business is way down and I just don’t have the fight left and I really, really want to quit and just work on artistic photography (yeah, like we need another one of those either)any way I am so afraid because of the loss of income. I don’t know how to follow my hearts desire with out loosing my income. I will continue to work on this because I have felt the freedom and the excitement when I am just creating from my heart. It is awesome, there is nothing like it! Thanks for sharing your wisdom.

  • Tammy, this is in incredibly powerful post & I thank you for writing it. I cannot answer “Hell YES!!” to any of your questions, so I’m going to get to work on changing that situation immediately. Thank you again, love & light.

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