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Bird, stand-alone sculpture by Tammy Vitale $397

 Some days.

You know them?

You’ve been floating down the river of life.

The sky is blue.  The birds are singing. 

You really get this go with the flow thing.  Life is not good.  Life is GREAT!


A storm blows up. 

You find yourself on the meal-of-the-day menu for a very large sea-faring dragon (some bastards can look surprisingly like some one in your family or at your workplace).

You have burned your candles out by burning both ends at the same time.  There are no stars.  There is no path. 

Don’t let the Bastards Get You Down.

1.  Realize that the “Bastards” are more likely than not just voices in your head (multiple manifestations of my Hamster or Seth Godin’s chipmunk) yelling that you can’t do this! Whatever this is.   

2.  Stop whatever you are doing and breathe in from your toes to your heart.  Breathe out pushing up through the crown of your head.  Visualize white light and sparkles raining down upon you as you breathe out.  Recognize that where you are is actually good – you are pushing up against old (and very imaginary) walls.  Name it growth.  Love the dragons  you find here (and hamsters and lizards and chipmunks and elephants). 

3.  Decide to love all the parts of you who are scared; then take another breath.  Follow the Rules for Living Wylde.

4.  Commit to living a Hell, YES! life!

 5.  Find someone who can help you see the possibility and beauty and genius of living a life you would die for– and let the resultinglight you shine make a space for others to find their way too.  The world needs you to be you.  There’s no one else like you!

6.  (Bonus!)  Take a day off.  A whole day.  Do something you’ve been putting off because you don’t have time.  You have all the time you need for what’s important – you get to define important.  If you aren’t whole and happy nothing else matters.  If you aren’t whole and happy nothing you do will lead to being whole and happy because doing is outside you.  This happens inside.

Wylde Women’s Wisdom

By electing to live your own life, you free others around you to live theirs.  Pearson/Pope


  • Beth

    This is so good! It’s my first time reading your blog. I am such a beginner at life in so many ways, despite being nearly fifty.Thanks for posting this.

  • Tammy, I love your writing, it’s filled with wisdom and inspiration.

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