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No – not the pictures.  They’re just 1. thing:  set up today for Annmarie Garden’s Ornament Show in December (I know, it’s not even Thanksgiving.  What can I say?)

2.  Lovely afternoon at Ann Crain’s open studio gathering.  I might mention this was my first time at her house.  I could seriously think about killing for that house!  Her studio looks out windows on a hill overlooking the Chesapeake Bay.  And has a fireplace in it.  Not to mention her whole first floor was loaded up with her work.  Yes, I brought something home.  A little something, but something nonetheless!

3.  It’s later than usual but here I am with day 19 of Art Every Day Month.  I have not missed a day.  I am loving it.  And loving that I am keeping my commitment to myself!

Wylde Women’s Wisdom

Wonder.  Stare hard.  White splinters.  At vision’s edge:  green, blue, a surprise splash of purple. And at the center, spinning, Red – unaware of a watcher, or perhaps only pretending – all the while preening its hues like an exotic bird.  Tammy Vitale


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    YAY! us! Onward we go!

  • I have been keeping my commitment to myself, too. Can’t believe it is day 20 today!
    Congrats, lady!! 🙂

  • Yes, well done and keep going:)

  • WOOOOOT! Congrats Tammy on day 19! I just finished up some ornaments for custom orders. In my book – nah… not too early. 😉

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