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   Studio - kiln at 1900Kiln at 1917 degrees – almost done this load.  And this load is my creative input for the day.  It will be cool enough to unload in the a.m. If you look at the middle plug on the left – you can see some of the golden glow of the interior cooking away a full load of prose tiles and angel and butterfly holiday ornaments – a last minute "oh, this is easy why not make some of these."  Several of which say:  "Yes , We Can 08" just in case anyone wants an angel on their tree to remind them of tidings of great joy….

Anyhoo, I started glazing as soon as I got up, then went to an initial meeting of a book club I hope to participate in formed out of the Neighbors and Newcomers network I joined last May, then to the veggie stand for 5 hours, then home to let the Girls out and feed them, then off to Bitch and Wine, held at Heron's Way Gallery this evening.  Then home to post this.  And now to bed.  Ahhhh – very full, very fun day.

thought for the day:  there are many people who do not live the lives they desire.  Many of the things that hold them back from inhabiting their destiny are false.  These are only images in their minds.  They are not really barriers a all.  We should never allow our fears or the expectations of others to set the frontiers of our destiny…The imagination is the creative force in the individual.  It always negotiates different thresholds and releases possibilities of recognition and creativity that the linear, controlling, external mind will never even glimpse.  The imagination works on the threshold that runs between light and dark, visible and invisible, quest and question, possibility and fact…Where the imagination is awake and alive, fact never hardens or closes but remains open, inviting you to new thresholds of possibility and creativity.  John O'Donohue, Anam Cara:  A Book of  Celtic Wisdom


  • A full day in a full life, for sure!
    How have I not realized it's a veggie stand you've been working at – how cool!
    Co-ops can certainly have their downs as well their ups…
    Bitch and Wine, heehee – we need to start one of those around here!

  • How exciting it must be to open that kiln :).

    You inspire me to take a ceramic class. I see a huge bowl first (doesn't everyone??), and later some beautiful goddesses…


  • Oh, yeah, that last part was refering to your Thought for the Day. It wasn't quite as random as it might have sounded lol

  • Hehehe Obama ornaments. I should send those to a few of my blogging buddies… *evil giggle* Okay, that was a moment of pure meanness. I enjoyed it immensely, but now I must be good.

    1917 DEGREES????? HOLY. FREAKIN. CRAP. That is hot!

    Filled out most of my application (student, not staff lol) for the Social Work department of my college, and one question asked me about my limitations… I wrote down a few, but then pointed out that they aren't really limitations… they are just things I have to work harder at.

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