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2D sketch aem 10 08 This is my sketch for AEM day 10.  Like yesterday, it's up for you to take and color in if you'd like.  Then link back here and leave me a message so I can go look.  I set this one up as 8 x 10 since I got to thinking about 5 x 7 yesterday and figured that might be a bit small.  This has some color in the original as the original is a facing page to a finished crayon and you know how that works, right?  If you keep a good coloring book you have to keep wax paper between the pages, which I failed to do.

Here are posts from last year's AEM with pictures to color if you find that you really enjoy the experience:

Nov 14 Watching Clouds

Nov 13 Focus and go!

Nov 5 On My Way

Nov 3 First Friday at Heron's Way Gallery (which I missed this week because I was just to tired to go and had to finish up my list for the show).

Today is my only break from show this weekend until Saturday.  And that's a stretch calling it a break.  I have to unload from yesterday, resort everything and reload for Friday.  I have to make some new work for Friday and hope that I manage to get it dry over night since I have no more small things.  Which is what I wanted but I still need things for Friday.  And I have to untangle my jewelry from PRAD – when I loaded out (always a tearing fast event) eventhing got jumbled.  I have spaghetti now.  Then I have to figure out how to pack it so that won't happen again.

And I would very much (I can't believe I"m saying this) like to work out today as I'm totally off my working out schedule.  Perhaps this week I'll figure out how to get it more into my new schedule.

So I'm up to my ears but I want to share yesterday morning with you.  Husband got in very late (or early as the case may be:  4:45 a.m.).  They had a Grateful Dead cover band and those bands go until the very last minute.  But he forgot to tell me that and he didn't call and leave a message that he was going to be late on the phone (which is our method to keep me from worrying that he ran into a deer or something on the way home).  So I woke at 3 a.m. and by 4:30 knew I wasn't going back to sleep.  He got home shortly after that and I got up.  Took the dogs out because they expect that first thing every single morning.  Fed them.  Then went to walk down the driveway to get the paper to read.  And there was an owl hooty-hooting in our side lot (all treed).  And another owl answering.  And possibly a 3rd owl way off in the distance.  The air turned cold over night from the warm day previous and there was a light mist caught in the trees.  The closest owl's hoot had a tiny echo to it.  Then geese flew overhead honking.  And I stood there, as the morning was breaking behind me, the sky mostly dark, me undertrees in mostly dark, and thought:  this is why I live here.  It was absolutely magical.

The show was very much underattended this year – no surprise.  Yesterday was practically empty which was disappointing, and again, no surprise.  But I got to connect with folks I only see once a year at this show, and talked with other folks who came through (mostly not buying) who know my work – some who have been collecting small pieces for what amounts to years now.  That's very affirming.  So because I had zero expectations, I thought the show was absolutely lovely.  We even seem to have alleviated some of the drama of the past year (this is a co-op show – it's been really bad.  Have I ever mentioned how much of a non-co-op person I am?).

I hope everyone has a lovely week!

thought for the day:  Transience is the force of time that makes a ghost of every experience.  There was never a dawn, regardless how beautiful or promising, that did not grow into noontime…All of our time disappears on us.  This is an incredible fact…When you look behind you, you do not see your past standing there in a series of day shapes….The only grond of time is the present moment…Is there a place where our vanished days secretly gather?  As a medieval mystic asked, Where does the light go when the candle is blown out?   [where do the owls go during the day?  where did my geese land to rest?]  John O'Donohue, Anam Cara:  A Book of Celtic Wisdom


  • What a magical morning moment, Tammy – thank you for sharing it with us. You describe it so well, I can almost see it, and hear the owls calling…
    On the evening of this week's full moon, I saw an owl sitting on a telephone wire, while it was still light. He appeared for all the world, to be watching the sunset. So I watched it for a moment with him.
    Tried to take a pic, but he was just a little too high up, to look like more than just a spot. But I have the scene memorized nonetheless…life does have it's truly magical moments, doesn't it?

  • Love love love this one: I am the oldest of 3 sisters. And John O'Donohue! I've taken several of his books out of the library: how sad that he died so young (only 52). He left an amazing body of work, however, that will continue to inspire.

  • Bennie

    Hi Tammy, I enjoyed talking with you tonight. I have read you blog at different times and found it very interesting and inspiring. I will make sure to read it daily now. I love when people post daily or every other day it shows such effort to reach out to others. I will look for an email for you and send you a link to my blog. Bernadette

  • What a fun idea to post creations for others to color in. It's like interactive art. 🙂

  • Hi Tammy, what a wonderful recollection of your early morning magical moment. What a treat to have heard the owls hooting. Thank you for sharing this! Re: co-ops . . . oh I hear you!!!
    Wishing you a productive week ahead :o)

  • there is so much in your post today to ponder….and your quote absolutely blew me away! and yes, where do the owls go, the candle light once it is snuffed? very deep and meaningful questions for me this day…I am grateful to you for your synchronistic post for me in my life….I am hoping your show went well for you and you are happy with the result? Incidentally (or not 🙂 I love your work, ALL of your work, I spent an hour the other day drooling over your jewelry…..if only I had a bit of money to spare..woo hoo !!

    I am curious what you are using for your coloring book? your colors are so bright and intense, I love them and think I might like them better than colored pencils I use now, which I DON"T like much…I am laid up with a pulled muscle and would like to just lay here and color rather than my sketching I am doing now…your colors look so juicy, do you mind if I ask how do you do it? 🙂

    many blessings this day to you…

  • So much energy and meaning in your work! fabulous :0)

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