There they are: the perfect shoes. They look stylish, they match perfectly. And the store doesn’t have your size.
What to do?
Do you buy the size they have? Smaller: squish foot in and suffer? Larger: rubs a nasty blister, trips you as you go down the stairs.
Or do you chalk it up to knowing that, although these appeared perfect, a bit of research (not your size) let you know that they aren’t, which means the perfect pair of shoes is still waiting for you somewhere?
How about those shoes that you paid too much money for because they seemed to fit all the prerequisites, but just never lived up to your expectations? Do you keep them because they cost so much? And if you kept them, how do you feel every time you see them in your closet?
And those shoes that you have worn completely out to the point of their falling apart. They were so perfect in their day. No others have come to take their place. No others will ever take their place. They were perfect. Were they really so perfect? Well, after you wore them in – to be honest, they pinched a bit at first. But everyone loved them so much on you, and were so jealous, you soon ignored all that pinching stuff and accepted them and decided to believe they were perfect and irreplaceable.
What shoes do you have in your closet?
Wylde Women’s Wisdom:
There are many people who do not live the lives they desire. Many of the things that hold them back from inhabiting their destiny are false. These are only images in their minds. They are not really barriers at all. We should never allow our fears or the expectations of others to set the frontiers of our destiny. John O’Donohue
I’ve never been a shoe person. 3 pair: good, work, play. Admit that these days I look at them and have more than usual because daughter is a shoe person and gives me very nice ones. Husband buys my play shoes. Both are very good at picking out shoes. And I liked the metaphor…..=]
I love the quote…I don’t have a lot of shoes, but I have a lot of excuses. Excuses that keep me stuck. Thanks for sharing that!
Shoes aren’t my thing: I have too few shoes. For winter, I have my hiking boots and that’s it. No dress or casual shoes beyond sandals and sexy embroidered slippers and my contradance shoes.
Now clothes I don’t wear, that’s another thing. At the season’s change, I’ll get real about what I didn’t wear last year and won’t wear this year.
Way too many! And some that meet all of those descriptions. I’ve finally cleared some out as I eliminated lots of things during the UYL program but your post hit me where it hurts as I realized there are still way too many in there. Maybe today’s the day to clear them out…literally and figuratively. After all, it’s not just “shoes” you are referring to, is it?!