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You Get to Feel Small, But Not Out of Place at All

The title is a line from “Giftshop” by the Tragically Hip.  (Beautiful video by the way)  It’s a song about the Grand Canyon.  I love it.  I love that specks of dust that we are, we are right where we are supposed to be. (Here’s my own YouTube creation with this song and our trip to the Grand Canyon)

And there’s the acknowledgement of belonging that we all long for.  And, actually, we have it if we are willing to wholeheartedly embrace the world (Brene Brown).   Brene Brown says we were born to be connected – that’s why we came here.

Have found some amazing things on line this week, and am sharing them here.  First Brene Brown, and then the perspective thing.  Enjoy!

Planets, Suns and Stars – our Earth (and we on it) in Perspective

I first found this comparison in Ken Robinson’s book, The Element:  How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything which I have borrowed from the library and just ordered 3 copies of from Amazon (to share.  It’s that good.)  But, his pictures were in black and white (impressive enough).  I figured I could find them on the Internet (what can’t you find on the Internet these days), and sure enough:  hit them on the first go round of Google here.  Happy about that as Robinson didn’t give a footnote reference and I really wanted to share these pictures because it so expands the ways one can think about the Universe and our place in it. 
And make no mistake.   We have a place.  And I believe that everything we do ripples out there and we just have no idea how others are affected. 
For instance, my Wylde Women’s Wisdom quotes that started here on my blog, and have morphed into free daily inbox goodies for anyone who wants them
 –  I had no idea they would touch so many people and move them to write me about how the day’s quote is perfect for them.  Of course it’s random (but is anything really random?) depending on when they sign up.  Everyone is getting a different quote – starting at 1 and going forward.
Life is such a glorious mystery.  Remembering that makes the bumps and mountains easier to traverse. 
As we move into a time of year where my thoughts turn to giving thanks for all that I have, I give thanks to all of you, my readers and friends.  MWAH!!!   (ok, I’m getting mushy.  But this stuff makes me mushy.  And I’m ok with that.  xo)

Wylde Women’s Wisdom

Robert Cooper, author of The Other 90%, says that we shouldn’t think of intelligence as happening only in the brain in our skulls.  He talks of the “heart” brain and the “gut” brain.  Whenever we have a direct experience, he says, it does not go directly to the brain in our heads.  The first place it goes is to the neurological networksof the intestinal tract and heart.  He describes the first of these, the enteric nervous system, as a “secon brain” inside the intestine, which is “independent of but also interconnected with the brain in the cranium.”  He says that this is why we often experience our first reaction to events as a “gut reaction.”  Whether or not we acknowledge them, he says, our gut reactions shape everything we do.  Ken Robinson


  • <div class="apbct-real-user-wrapper"> <div class="apbct-real-user-author-name">Tammy Vitale</div> <div class="apbct-real-user-badge"> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img" style="align-self: center;"> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup apbct-trp-popup-desktop" id="apbct_trp_comment_id_3009"> <div class="apbct-real-user-title"> <p class="apbct-real-user-popup-header">The Real Person!</p> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup-content_row"> <div> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img"> </div> <div> <span class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Author <b>Tammy Vitale</b> acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.</span> </div> </div> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup-content_row"> <div> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img"> </div> <div> <span class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup apbct-trp-popup-mob" id="apbct_trp_comment_id_3009"> <div class="apbct-real-user-title"> <p class="apbct-real-user-popup-header">The Real Person!</p> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup-content_row"> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img"> <span class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Author <b>Tammy Vitale</b> acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.</span> </div> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup-content_row"> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img"> <span class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div>

    I’m glad you liked it – I was thunderstruck by that video. I found myself taking notes, rewinding
    to make sure I got it all. Immediately went to Amazon to see what books she has out ( a lot)
    and saw a title I recognized as having ordered (but not read – you know how it is). So I”m going to read it. And collect the rest. Unfortunately my libarary system doesn’t have
    *anything* by her! Sad as that is! Oh well, I’ll probably mark my own books up and use them for Wylde Women’s Wisdom anyways!

    Thanks for dropping by – always good to hear from you!

  • wow, tammy!

    thank you so much for the heads up on this amazing video. this is the absolute perfect start to this week – “the courage to be imperfect” says dr. brown and i am grateful for the reminder.

    and no more “beer with banana nut muffins,” everybody – yikes, what a combo! – since we cannot selectively numb ourselves. gratitude + joy = more delicious!

    i really appreciate your post!

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