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Hand-built clay wall hanging, Big Green Fish, by Tammy Vitale of Tam’s Originals

As I write this I am sitting on a step stool because my ofice chair has a pile of something on it (I can’t even tell what all is there).  My small desk is away from the wall and the printer is disconnected.  My larger platform desk broke yesterday as I was trying to move it so I could paint the walls in my office – you remember?  I’m in the midst of putting house on market syndrome, otherwise known as fruit-basket-upset (for those of you who are younger, that’s an old game we used to play at birthday parties and on hot summer days, in the basement, for something to entertain ourselves).  I can’t get to any of the books that I still have out (90% of them are packed an stored).  None of the blogs that I normally read are putting out anything interesting at the moment.  I’ve given up on ArtDaily because I can’t import their articles without messing up my whole blog. 

Thus our title for the day:  What DO you call a blank page?  Lately, I have called it something to ignore as you may have noticed my posts dropping a bit.  And this during a time I was actually planning on starting to write future posts for while I am on vacation.  So much for thinking that might get done!

I am not working in the studio because I am totally focused on cleaning, packing, storing and, at the moment, painting (my least favorite of this whole process).  I can happily say it’s moving along and hopefully say that by next Monday evening everything will be done because as of August 1 we’re open for viewing, ready or not.  So I have allowed myself the space to focus on just this for now.  I did load in a set of new work at Art Works at 7th Gallery yesterday morning – about the fastest load in I’ve ever done – and that included changing my space (for the 3 month switch around).  I need to pull together some new work for Herons Way Gallery load in next week and get in touch with Hoopla Traders to see when I load out my show from there. But none of that counts because it’ll be fit in between "working on the house" which is my main activity these days.  Then Aug 4/5 I go to my 40th high school reunion which brings along with it its own stress – good and bad.

Life is full.  We made an offer on a house last night and I’m waiting to hear if it’s accepted.  Meanwhile, since we only went through it once, we are going through again this morning (actually then we’ll present the offer) to make sure we remember what we think we remember.  Nothing like making this kind of decision on the fly….but (and here’s the link to today’s title) life is a blank page and you can either write small and squinchy and try to make sure you never run out of space or have to erase anything or you can sketch large and bold and trust that  a new blank page will present itself when needed.  I’m taking the 2nd tack (tact? – I only had 6 hours of sleep last night, up til midnight signing papers.  Not enough but couldn’t get back to sleep this morning).  Diving in.  Blessing every day that presents itself and I’m well and able to move file cabines, break desks, climb up and down step ladders, paint, pack, blog, and maybe even get into the studio.  In addition to full, life is good.

Be patient with me for a while and eventually I’ll get all this back on track.  Meanwhile, post something interesting for everyone to read.

P.S.  I’m trying a new offering here:  technorati tags.  The minute I tried to use it, it erased my blog.  Completely.  But I’m getting smarter.  Before I tried to use it, I copied my blog and it was in memory and I just reinstalled it; just like that.  Whew!  I guess an old dog can learn new tricks!

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