What would it be like if we all strived for ecstasy? What if we were required to study it in school? What if everybody in the first grade was taught that we are DIVINE BEINGS, each of us holding a unique gift to give that can bring forward the experience of ecstasy when we SHARE the gift with others/ What is more important than this? This sharing of ourselves, the loving of others through our unique talents. Katherin Q. Revoir
This morning I am striving to find something to write about. I think perhaps I have spent enough time in the studio lately that I am moving from words to not words – I won’t call it vision because that means I’m seeing something spectacular or a premonition or something. And I’m not. [I will note here that I have recently found Pinterest – talk about visions!] I’m just more open to all the beautiful possibilties around me and isn’t that what this quote is all about? Opening to the possibility that is uniquely each one of us and the gifts we bring and share (or don’t share, in the name of comfort, stability, “should,” etc etc etc).
I write that last sentence because it is apparently the time of year for me to start thinking about how nice a regular pay check would be, how I’ve been blogging for 6 years with no earth shaking numbers are occurences to report. I don’t know what I expected. And you know expectations can just ruin your day (or at least that’s what the Buddhist’s say and they say a lot I’m inclined to agree with, if not this particular thing).
Outside it is the 1st day of March and it is acting like late April. Things are blooming that shouldn’t for another week or so, and I am wandering around lost in Pinterest boards on gardens, or, more specifically, yards and the things people put in them. Of course the whole time I’m wandering I’m getting filled up which is good, but not making art, which is not so good. Let’s talk about the good: I have a ton of ideas that I just need to implement. They aren’t even hard, I just need to get moving and DO them – no techniques to figure out, they’re right in front of me. I also have a good deal more product to make in case I get into the 3 shows I have applied to and haven’t heard from yet. (I’ve hear back from 3: 2 yeses and 1 no). Which reminds me – if you live in the St Augustine, FL area, I will be there at the Old Towne show March 31 and April 1. Do stop by and say “hi.”
I guess this is all by way of saying that a bit of restless is okay – Spring does that (even when it’s early). And through the regular product lines and the shows I AM recommiting to my own unique skills of making art this life time around. And slipping in some pieces that aren’t production (it’s still production, even if every one is made differently – the basic outlines are in place and I don’t have to think, just make).
So here are my latest pieces off the “production” line for your viewing enjoyment. If you spot one you must have, drop me a line at info@TammyVitale.com and let me know. Prices start at $55 and go up to $110 (2: the blue “tropical” one with bas relieve bird of paradise plant and the bronze one with the dragonfly jar).
I also want to turn you onto an amazing woman artist I discovered at The Baltimore Arts and Crafts Show last weekend, Kimberly Willcox.

Her art is amazing! Do yourself a favor and click over and browse. Best in show! There was another wonderful ceramic artists but first I must find where I stuck my show book and find his card because I cannot remember his name (even though his work was fabulous! Doesn’t that intrigue you?! Then you’ll just have to stay tuned – I know that book is around here somewhere.)
(Consider the quote at the top your Wylde Women’s Wisdom for the day!)
Pinterest and I have not become acquainted and I think it might require way too much computer time. I can’t keep up as it is–LOL!
Lovely, organic work! Whoohoo!! The best in show lady does nice work, too. 🙂
Karen – my stats are way up for yesterday and since FB wasn’t working I can only attribute that to your posting on Pinterest – thanks!
Love all these pieces! I pinned a couple of them to one of my Pinterest boards–I’ve also discovered Pinterest lately and am enjoying it.
I’m getting over a long bout of pneumonia, but am finally sitting up with my laptop in my lap (!). Trying to get back in the blogging habit…