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Jewelry_ruby_zoisite_and_pearls_not Rub Zoisite focal bead with biwa pearl and garnet set in sterling silver on 3 strands of pearls, one strand interspersed with swarovski crystals.

I think this is going to be one of my favorite necklaces to date, and I’ve made a bunch.

This is what I do to relax.  I’ve been avoiding the studio – there is space now to start working again, but I seem to have found 12 reasons not to get down there (all, of course, having to do with tying up lose ends for the Philly show, but of course that’s just a good excuse).  Maybe tomorrow.  I think I had to get some of this jewelry stuff out of the way to clear my head space.  And the truth is, making the necklaces is starting to spark ideas for the torsos. 

I draw your attention to my slide show to the left – I have taken out all the old pictures and put up only jewelry as I’ve had a few requests to see what I’m doing.  That isn’t all of what I currently have ready.  Here (to the right) are some of the pieces I made over the weekend and thereJewelry_6_necklaces  are yet more pieces from today, but I haven’t taken photos of them.  I’m not really happy with the photos I have and need to figure out a way to get better pictures.  These will do for show and tell purposes.

In addition to making necklaces (which is my favorite thing to do because when I’m done I can pile them up and it feels like I’ve found a treasure chest of lovelies), I caught up a bunch of earrings that were waiting to be made.  Had to quit making them because I ran out of ear wires.  So I guess that will have to wait until I get home.  I’m missing the next big wholesale bead show while I’m away and will have to wait until April to go again.  That’s good.  It’ll keep the purse looking a bit better for the time being.

Yesterday Husband had to work – unusual for a Sunday because that’s one of his regular days off. There was a big show and they needed him, so he went in.  I spent the day putting together 4 outfits for the show – oh, yes, I’m most definitely playing artist dress up:  bright colors, matching jewelry (which is why you aren’t seeing about 4 of the new pieces here – because they are packed), and lipstick to go with the outfit.  Lipstick!  Courtesy of the fact that I sort of sell MaryKay on the side and have quite a few samples and some nice fresh lipsticks – because, like beads, sometimes I get these wild ideas that I may actually use it.  Well, now I am! 

I spent some time browsing blogs to see what’s out there about the Philly show, and there isn’t much.  But here are a few I found in case you’re interested in what others are saying in the blogosphere:

New Artists, Jewelry Preview – Music and Art

Visiting Artist Program at Philadelphia Buyer’s Market

Top 10 Tips to Improve Sales at a Wholesale Show

I had several more but my computer updated itself (I hate when it does that), rebooted and lost everything I had on my holding line.  And then I couldn’t find them again – don’t understand why if you put the same thing in your search you don’t get the same thing back, but apparently it doesn’t always work that way.

Oh, and here’s a tidbit:  The Pennsylvania Convention Center and the Philadelphia Center City Convention Center are one and the same.  For those of you who panic when you can’t remember what hotel you booked and which convention center it was by (okay – that was about 1.5 hours of stress).

A special thanks to all of you who have wished me (here or in private emails) good wishes and good luck and good sales.  With that behind me, how can I fail?  And, well, failure isn’t an option.  I know for a fact that whatever happens it will be an important step on my way to wherever it is I’m going – and I’m open to that challenge!

thought for the day:  An example of a transformation is seen in the process of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly.  The world of a caterpillar and the world of a butterfly are very different realities.  The caterpillar is wormlike as it struggles along trying to feed itself and survive in a very small world, usually just a few yards of space.

The butterfly, on the other hand, can fly.  Its world is very large.  butterflies can fly thousands of miles and some even travel internationally. The butterfly’s world is one of freedom and ease.  Butterflies do not need to struggle to find food.  They feed from the sweet nectar of the flowers just for the taking.  They fulfill their purpose of bringing beauty to the world easily, by being themselves and carrying pollen from flower to flower.  Simply being who they are fulfills their purpose.

Every caterpillar has the potential to become a butterfly.

A butterfly is a mature caterpillar.  Bobbie R. Stevens, Unlimited Futures:  How to Understand the Life You Have and Create the Life You Want


  • Penny

    I recently saw this 'proverb' – "Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over it became a butterfly". There is hope for all of us that no matter our current circumstance, we can become butterflies.

  • It is absolutely fascinating to watch you getting ready for the show… both in art-making, and in taking care of yourself!!

  • Very beautiful necklaces! They look expensive, are these all "real stones"?:)
    Love the way you talk about your days before the show, – when do you go?
    Have a good day creating beautiful necklaces

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