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Wd_heart_song_in_process Women Dancing:  Heart Song in process; ceramic wall sculpture by Tammy Vitale

Nothing is finished so you’re getting photos of in process work for the Women Dancing series.  I actually worked out this one and the one below right this morning.  Yesterday was pretty much a loss in the studio department.  I planted snapdragons that I bought in the morning, and petunias left over from the last time.  All in pots in the front garden – an amazing number of petunias!  Way more plantings than I thought.

We went to a local warehouse and bought a sheet of metal for rakuing.  I’ve been using anything I could get my hands on to cover the pit, and Husband just took the main thing and used it to repair the floor in his car, so it was time, finally, to get something a bit more professional – that will work better in the long run.  He bought it for me (isn’t he a love?!), as it has always been his idea that I should have this and the sheet of metal was over $80.  The problem with "going professional" is that it costs so much in the near term (in the longer run it works out, but near term is always pricey).  So that will sit in the back of the truck until we both get a round tuit.  We also bought handles toWd_grace_in_process  attach.  In the end, it will be very nice.

Then in the afternoon I took a 3 hour nap – I’m assuming left over sleep deprivation from trying to sleep with Grandson on Saturday night – the whirling dervish.  Then I watched Heroes and then I went to sleep again with no problem.

Part of this is probably the upcoming trip.  Don’t get me wrong, I love to travel and am no longer a white knuckle flier.  Still, there is something about traveling by myself that always stresses me out and makes me tired and scares me a little.  Not enough not to do it, but enough to make the anticipation a bit dicey.   Like I’m on the edge of a pit looking down.  I don’t understand this reaction at all, but noticed it before going to the Christine Kane retreat (by myself) and now.  I know that I need to do these things so I don’t get house locked:  scared to leave and go anywhere on my own.  That closes life down too much.  I wish I understood the impetus for the  anxiety better!

That and the part-time job did in any thoughts of creating yesterday.  I need to start paying attention because if I don’t the creativity will get lost and that won’t do me a bit of good!  Priorities.  Keep them straight!

Here’s something fun.  Leah found a suggestion of a drawing in my Totem:  Autumn Promise (left) and made this beautiful picture from it.  She sees the woman clearly looking over her shoulder.  I can’t find Totem_autuman_promise_full her, can you?  oh wait!  suddenly I can!  Very cool!  I love Leah’s work, and am flattered something I made sparked another of her awesome pieces.  Her work has such female energy – love that moon!

thought for the day:  Often our inner struggles come from our tendency to jump on board someone else’s problem; someone throws you a concern and you assume you must catch it, and respond….Remembering that you don’t have to catch the ball is a very effective way to reduce the stress in your life..Developing a more tranquil outlook on life requires that we know our own limits and that we take responsibility for our part in the process.  Most of us get balls thrown at us many times each day…The key is to know when we’re catching another ball so that we won’t feel victimized, resentful or overwhelmed…Even something terribly simple like answering your phone when you’re really too busy to talk is a form of catching the ball…By simply not answering the phone, you are taking responsibility for your own peace of mind.  The same idea applies to being insulted or criticized.  When someone throws an idea or comment in your direction, you can catch it and feel hurt, or you can drop it and go on with your day.    Richard Carlson, Don’t Sweat the Small stuff…and it’s all small stuff.


  • I just LOVED doing raku firing when I was at college, but have no idea how to set one up at home – any suggestions or sites where one can find out more???

    Sympathy to you on the anxiety front… I also find it all too easy to stay home and only go out with other people, or to go on my own if someone meets me at the other end. I have to struggle against this constantly… to push my comfort zone, but feel much better when I do.
    Hope you enjoyed your trip.
    Hugs Lizzi

  • hehe! i'm glad you saw her! isn't it funny what catches our eye! i'm always seeing figures in things. hope you're having a beautiful day, tammy! xoxo

  • Ohhhh you planted Snapdraggons too? Well, I bought some, but I haven't planted them yet lol One step at a time. OH! That reminds me that I forgot to scan you a pic of my design plans for my house. Oops.

    I can definately see the woman's face in the totem… maybe she is hiding her face from an abusive husband… fleeing to a CODA shelter to start a new (free) life. Or maybe she killed the abuser, and is hiding from the police.

    Hmm… that makes me want to write a story.

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