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Toros_autumn_72_a_1 Autumn, hand and slab built clay torso by Tammy Vitale

Autumn here finally went to her new home.  A woman has been circling her since my Kefa Cafe show (I can’t even remember what month that was, but early this year) in Silver Spring.  We kept having a hard time getting together.  I finally sent Autumn down to the 9:30 Club to stay with Husband until she could e picked up.  Yesterday was the day.  The has truely been the month for torsos to find their way home.

By home I mean that when I create, I assume that energy wishes to be made concrete.  I provide the conduit.  Then the energy has to start calling the true people they were meant for.  It’s been an absolutely great month for that!

Please note that I have been rearranging my side bar (left) for a while now.  I’m working on getting photos of my work up by type – you will see I have already managed to post the torsos (not all, more sit waiting finishing and photos) along with the "new work" which isn’t at all up to date.  I plan to add "masks" and "shields" and "architectural" eventually.

You will also note towards the top a new place to subscribe to this blog.  No I don’t want to sell your email.  I want you to read me regularly so that we have a community going here.  This makes it easier.  Subscribe, and when I post you automatically get an email notification.  Try it, you’ll like it!  That’s the way I keep up with my favorite blogs (several of which are in my links).

This is a fairly short post because I already lost one post here today – computer seized up.  Even with Comcast sometimes I just go too fast for the poor thing and it gets confused.

Following up on a recent blog here about "Yeah, but is it Art?," here’s a fun quiz:  Is It Art?  Or Is It Just Plain Old Crap?  enjoy!

thought for the day:  Most of us like the feeling of being in control.  We think that if we keep our hand on the lever, things will go just the way we want them to; we’ll be satisfied.  The problem with always having to be in control is that you have to stay at the control panel.  You can’t leave to get out on the dance floor.  The indomitable Katherine Hepburn knew this.  she said,, ‘If you follow all the rules, you miss all the fun.’  It’s true even when you yourself are the rule-maker."  Victoria Castle, The Trance of Scarcity

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