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Petro_spiral Petroglyph.  Arizona.  Inspiration for Tam’s Originals

Another photo from Arizona – there’s one place called Newspaper Rock that has dozens and dozens of petroglyphs.  I love that no one – no one – knows the meaning or purpose of these glyphs.  They are a forever mystery.

Here are some good tips on getting free press posted by the Blog Squad gals in their SavvyeBizTips enewsletter (Patsi@blogsquad.biz to subscribe – take a minute, you’ll be glad you did):

"1. You may be more of an expert than you think. It’s important to call yourself an expert and use that label everywhere in your emails and on your websites and blogs.

>>2. When you start a media-relationship campaign, do not start with hundreds or thousands of media outlets.  Select the top 10 media outlets likely to respond to you, and build relationships with these people BEFORE you start pitching to them.

>>3. Become a resource to the media, offering them information. Use this phrase: "How can I help you?"  Joan [Publicity Hound, Joan Stewart] says this is the most important question you can
ask a person in the media.

>>4. Get back issues of magazines and become familiar with the kinds of stories they use. One of the best resources is the Publisher’s Column, or the Editor’s Letter. Familiarize yourself with the style and subject matter of the writer you’re contacting.

>>5. Create your own holiday or piggyback your event on someone else’s holiday. You can create a holiday at Chases Calendar of Events.

>>6. Use Craigslist.org to post your events.

Want more? And there was so, so much more, listen to the audio program and have your pen and paper ready to take lots of notes.

Resources from Joan:
Google Alerts video: http://publicityhound.net/?p=331 

– White Paper on expertise and the how-to article on
how to write how-to articles.

The audio program is 81 minutes. If you missed the
Conversation you can get the audio program for only
$9.95 at http://snipurl.com/CE_Audio

Action Step:  Start calling yourself an expert.  Put it on your email signature, on your website, on your blog and other collateral material.  Read the Expertise White Paper mentioned above to determine where you are on the Expertise ladder and then work on your professional skills to move to a higher level of expertise."

Thought for the Day:  "Living in the world with ease, embodying Abundance, means moving from control to trust.  It’s a lot to ask of yourself.  So take care that you don’t get moralistic with yourself and try to force yourself to ‘Quit controlling and move over to trust right this instant, young lady!’  It’s something we learn to ease in to; it’s great to try it on in small doses first.  Try releasing the control-contraction…a little at a time.  Then watch what happens.  You can always tighten up again."  Victoria Castle, The Trance fo Scarcity

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