I’ve Got Wine
I wake with no thoughts tickling my brain,
no poem begging to be born. All day I
untangle contracts and technology that remains
stubborn, sluggish, refusing to respond. Then
a long-delayed trip to the next state to retrieve
wine left waiting because of disease and doctors and
schedules. “I have no poem,” I snivel to Jackie. But
I’ve got wine. Going home. “There’s your poem,”
she says. And I take it where I find it.
I probably wouldn’t have gone with this except I was just written into a poem by Charlotte of ZouxZoux (along with 2 others) as someone who is
(Thank you Charlotte, a very much published poet who I greatly admire who wrote the poem from which I took the snippet above, and Jackie who is my daily partner in crime when it comes to writing who regularly dazzles me with her wordsmithing at Green Not Hazel.)
Really, when you have a friend that looks at a text that says “Got Wine. Going home.” and says: there’s your poem go for it, and a friend who finds you wind soaring, how can you not just sit down, write what comes out and put it up. AND the poems continue in line. Which makes my day.
See Charlotte’s published works listed here. The click through above for the snippet is the full blog post and poem.
Read more of Jackie’s work here. The click through on her name above is one of my favorites (among many many favorites).
That should keep you busy for a while.
1 Comment
I love this! Isn’t this what it’s about? To see poetry in every day….to take the cues when they arrive….to see even the most mundane as a work of art? Your life, with its craziness and chaos and all the sickness and other stressors, is a work of art. To see the simplest things and create something, that’s wonderful.