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Glitter.  By Tammy Vitale
Glitter. By Tammy Vitale

I think fierce often has a negative connotation.

Yet, the third definition in a list of 4 that I found on-line at is vehement, intense, or strong.  Hardly words I would associate with negativity.

And the word fierce has been dropping into my conscious when I think about my work for the last two months, so I think it has chosen me and I am not going to resist.  Because I like it.

I like the idea of being vehemently intense about my work and the things I believe in.  I like the idea of being fiercely protective of myself and the people and environments that I love.  No – I don’t like those ideas.  I LOVE them!

I get a picture of a strong woman stepping out, head held high, dripping in self-assurance, ready to fight for what she believes in – not from a place of fear or need, but from her internal divine spark self.  Calmly.  Clearly.  Focused.  Smiling.  Compassionate. Generous.  Not a bad image to direct my year.

And I like that the image comes with the word – so that it tunes into the subconscious and doesn’t just stay in the head of letters and definitions.

Fierce also brings to mind the creator/destroyer goddesses:  Hecate; Demeter, Kali, the Morrigan. They are who they are, and true to that.  They do not hide or pretend to be less than or smaller to make others feel better.  I love that.

Fierce is also edgy, maybe a bit unpredictable because how many of us have actually claimed and stepped into our divinely sparked creative life – the one we only dream about because the story we inhabit says that nice women don’t do fierce.  And they certainly don’t color outside the line.

Yes.  I do believe my word has found me this year instead of my having to sit here and work on what might be right.  Works for me!  Do you have your word for the year?

For fun here are past year’s posts on “Word/Words/Phrases” for the year:

2012  Leap!  (hint:  “leap” was not my word for 2012.  In fact, I’d forgotten my word and when I went back and read this I have to admit I’m amazed the way things turned out…as in “I am the most curious of all to see what happens next.” which is more or less what I’m writing about these days!  But whatever it is, if it doesn’t have “Hell Yes!!” attached to it, I’m not doing it!)

2011  One Word Isn’t Enough

2010 (August) Saunter + Sassy = Sashay   (yes, I changed a bit over mid-way through)

2010 Guide to a Great 2010

2009 Amendment

2009  Word for the Year



  • <div class="apbct-real-user-wrapper"> <div class="apbct-real-user-author-name">Tammy Vitale</div> <div class="apbct-real-user-badge"> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img" style="align-self: center;"> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup apbct-trp-popup-desktop" id="apbct_trp_comment_id_6028"> <div class="apbct-real-user-title"> <p class="apbct-real-user-popup-header">The Real Person!</p> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup-content_row"> <div> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img"> </div> <div> <span class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Author <b>Tammy Vitale</b> acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.</span> </div> </div> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup-content_row"> <div> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img"> </div> <div> <span class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup apbct-trp-popup-mob" id="apbct_trp_comment_id_6028"> <div class="apbct-real-user-title"> <p class="apbct-real-user-popup-header">The Real Person!</p> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup-content_row"> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img"> <span class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Author <b>Tammy Vitale</b> acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.</span> </div> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup-content_row"> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img"> <span class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div>

    Hi RIta – I was just thinking about you this morning when I was reviewieng my year and thought I should come say Hi and Happy New Year and then here you are – you beat me to it! but you’re so good about that. Thank you for thinking of me! And drop back by and leave your work if you decide to do that!

    Have an amazing New Year – full of wonderful art and cat supplies

  • I love your word for 2013! I hadn’t thought about having a word for the year. Maybe I should give it some thought. Thanks. 🙂 Happy New Year! I hope this is a fabulous, fierce year with joy and surprises! 🙂

  • Well, that sounds like a I”m going to live my Hell Yes! life unapologetically to me! Awesome – a good reminder to me too! I pay more attention now than I used to when I hear “I’m sorry” come out of my mouth – but I can always notch it up with
    your good example! Go Woman!

  • Jacqualine-Marie

    I read this last night on my iPhone and thought about a word and am re-visiting this now. I would have to say that my word would be: Unapologetic. I like starting with an “un” at this point in my life. I like ceasing the annoying habit of explaining (in my personal life) what it is I am doing, or why I want to do it. I hadn’t realized until about a year ago that I apologized in all sorts of ways for all sorts of things. I thought I’d grown beyond that, but I hadn’t.

    Leroy Jethro Gibbs on NCIS – Rule #6: Never apologize — Its a sign of weakness – Well, there is merit in this. Certainly, we apologize when we hurt someone but this is not the same thing. Women seem to apologize for their “selves” more than men do. How silly. Why do we do that? Therefore, I cease apologizing for being smarter or dumber, for being a bit of a food snob, for looking younger than my chronological number, for being pissy now and then, for letting my roots grow in, for being addicted to dark chocolate, for relocating so much (I call it “adventure”) and, most importantly, I will never again apologize for being strong – ever. I’m done. 🙂

    Thank you, Tammy. As always – you inspire me.

  • Tammy,
    Exactly why Steady and Deliberate were chosen – for a foundation.

    Stay warm!

  • <div class="apbct-real-user-wrapper"> <div class="apbct-real-user-author-name">Tammy Vitale</div> <div class="apbct-real-user-badge"> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img" style="align-self: center;"> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup apbct-trp-popup-desktop" id="apbct_trp_comment_id_6006"> <div class="apbct-real-user-title"> <p class="apbct-real-user-popup-header">The Real Person!</p> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup-content_row"> <div> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img"> </div> <div> <span class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Author <b>Tammy Vitale</b> acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.</span> </div> </div> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup-content_row"> <div> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img"> </div> <div> <span class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup apbct-trp-popup-mob" id="apbct_trp_comment_id_6006"> <div class="apbct-real-user-title"> <p class="apbct-real-user-popup-header">The Real Person!</p> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup-content_row"> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img"> <span class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Author <b>Tammy Vitale</b> acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.</span> </div> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup-content_row"> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img"> <span class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div>

    Thanks for stopping by! Those words feel very foundational and made me feel calm when I read them!

  • Tammy,
    I like your word for the year, FIERCE.
    After some free writing and review of my past two years…I have two words: Steady and Deliberate.
    It just means to make sure I go through the small steps in a steady pace, instead of as rush through panic attacks. =D
    Thank you for sharing Fierce.

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