Sculptures,clay, hand-built, finished variously with glazes, stains and acrylics by Tammy Vitale.
I’m really scrounging for new pictures to post (yesterday’s was a repeat). You will be happy to know that there are 3 torsos currently cooking in the kiln to give me some new work to photograph. One is for rakuing (chasing the turqoise crackle).
This is the storage rack for a lot (but not all) of my early work: stand alone sculpture. These ladies were the reason I founded Wylde Women Gallery (long defunct): no one provided space for 3D work. If it didn’t hang (and wasn’t watercolor), there was no place for you as an artist in Southern Maryland. Things have seriously changed and I’d like to think I had a small hand in it. I took the energy of frustration and bullied my way into the local art scene, which is now open and flourishing and supporting a much more diverse offering (although there is still a plethora of birds, barns and boats).
One of my favorites currently residing on the rack is Drawing Down the Moon.
The impetus was a cave (like Lascaux) and a woman and the Goddess. The "cave" is shaped like a woman (abstractly) from the back (see if you can tell from the photos). This was something I wanted to experiment with but never got any further than this one piece. Retail, you know. It seems most folks like things they can hang on walls. So I don’t make many of these now. But I think my Women series sort of echo the idea. Well, truthfully, all of my work is about the divinie feminine, the Wylde Woman, in us (yes, you too, guys), so it would make sense that there would be an echo. (The difference in color is from flash or no flash…I can’t say either one is truer as it depends on the light in real life viewing too).
Yesterday was gift after Christmas day. I won a lovely necklace, created by Jes at Junque Revival from a dream. I found her blog one day and joined in a contest and lo and behold! I won! I seldom win anything, so I’m hoping this is a sign for the new year. I’m hoping for signs everywhere: winning lotto, what’s next, more shops. Speaking of more shops. I got a nice note back from The Sea Tree Gallery on the Outer Banks (NC) that they browsed my website and are interested in having my work. That was a nice followup to the turndown by the Duck Gallery. Have a query out to The Silver Bonsai but haven’t heard back from them. So there’s a sign: I have a 50/50 chance of getting in places I query. Not too bad.
I got tagged yesterday at Customers Rock for the 5 new things about yourself. Since I’d already done one here, I just answered in the comments section (whole new batch of information out there now folks…Soon there will be no such thing as a secret in my universe.)
Today I’m off to Heron’s Way Gallery for an opening but more to visit and catchup with where everyone is in this sparkly new year. While I’m still on vacation, I had a look at next week’s calendar and strangely it is very full for a vacation week. That, along with finally getting the torsos into the kiln, lead me to believe that I have indeed been on vacation and not blocked. Good news.
(whew – crisis: I just thought I’d erased this whole thing. But no. I just somehow opened a new blank window. Phew).
Thought for the day: Thinking of the Universe in terms of light, frequencies, and energies of different frequencies – in the terms that have become familiar to us through the study of physical light – is not merely metaphorical. It is a natural and powerful way to think of the Universe because physical light is a reflection of nonphysical Light. Physical light is not the Light of your soul. Physical light travels at a certain velocity. It cannot go faster. The Light of your soul is instantaneous. …In nonphysical reality, the decisions that you make in terms of how you choose to use your energy have effects that are instantaneous. Gary Zukav, The Seat of the Soul
Thanks for playing again and including your newest "5 things" in my comment section (sorry, didn't see you had already done it, but I did try to find it!). Tammy, your art is lovely, and I am blessed to find it.
I loved the new 5 things!!! I think I liked them almost as much as the first 5 things you did.
Congrats on the new gallery interested in your work!! And more congrats on not being blocked!!!!!! Look forward to seeing lots of new art from you!
I'm glad you like it!
Your work is as beautiful as ever! I'm glad you wrote in for the contest, because now I've met a new, wonderful artist!!!
So I'm one of those oddities who actually prefer stand alone pieces — I'm out of wall space! Plus, I love figures of the divine feminine (I've been writing for Llewellyn as Cerridwen Iris Shea for the past dozen years).
Beautiful work — I'm so glad I came across this blog.
Yay! I hope the universe brings you more wins as the year unfolds 🙂
I am in love with "Drawing Down The Moon" it is like you have crafted a piece of my deep soul. Stunning!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Oh, how lovely! The back of the sculpture makes me think of the Venus of Willendorf.
I tried chasing the retail revenue for years, which was exhausting, and didn't satisfy. Hooray for you, pushing the envelope and getting more people to expand their ideas about art, by creating art that's satisfying to your soul!
Congratulations, too, on your win. May it be just the beginning of your abundance this new year!