Women Friends ceramic, one of a kind, wall hanging, 23″t x 7.5w by Tammy Vitale. Commission. Full size and detail.
Looks like I’ve been off browsing lots and lots of wonderful blogs with the Wylde Women Award Typepad has gone back to things not working as well as they might. The typeface is running considerable behind my typing (and you know I type soooooo fast) and when I back up things start blinking. Makes me nervous. So this will be a short post.
I have discovered that creating an award and giving it to just one person (so far) still creates an exponential distribution that it is impossible to keep up with. I thought doing it this way would allow me to browse through every single named blog. I wish! You cannot believe how many wonderful blogs there are out here in cyberspace. Alas, I am down to those who comment on this blog or show up on my Google search. Even then, there are enough to keep me here at the computer far more than I had planned. And enjoying every minute of it!
I discovered in the last kiln load one blown out fish platter (well dried – must have been a deep down bubble) and in this kiln load 2 okay ones (look at them – can you believe they are the exact same glaze?). And I’ve discovered that I have plenty more pieces around that need to be and can be reworked. Here for your viewing pleasure, after the fish (if I get this to work), is Flapper. She’s pretty close to the original but I can’t show you that because she is yet another mask that I never took a picture of before.
I discovered that I like Anne Lamott’s fiction as much as her non-fiction (which up until now, was all I had read: and her non-fiction is amazing!)
I discovered a book that I really need right now: Goddesses in Older Women: Becoming a Juicy Crone by Jean Shinoda Bolen. A wonderful revisit of the goddess archtypes in their crone aspect.
When the links start working better, I will start sharing some of the amazing websites I have discovered.
thought for the day: Why do so many people educated in this century think of classical Greece as the first major culture, when written language was in use and great cities were built at least twenty-five centuries before that time? And perhaps more importantly why is it continually inferred that the age of the “pagan” religions, the time of the worship of female deities (if mentioned at all) was dark and chaotic, mysterious and evil, without the light of order and reason that supposedly accompanied the later male religions, when it has been archaeologically confirmed that the earliest law, government, medicine, agriculture, architecture, metallurgy, wheeled vehicles, ceramics, textiles and written language were initially developed in societies that worshiped the goddess? Merlin Stone, When God Was a Woman quoted in Goddesses in Older Women by Jean Shinoda bolen.
I love "Women Friends": the circle, the curves, the fluidity, the concept: everything!
WONDERFUL ceramics! Thanks for visiting my blog, and glad to have found yours as well!
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I also wanted to tell you that the title "Becoming a Juicy Crone" cracks me up completely. I love it!!
I LOVE the Flapper. She is SO what I needed to see today… my mind has been on women's rights all day today, and seeing Flapper reminds me of the days when women were really just stepping into their rights and finding their new place in a changing world… makes me want to write a poem. I think I will.
I found your fabulous blog when I was given your award, although I've yet to pass it on with my blog. I can really recommend the books you have mentioned as they are both favourites of mine. And I love the colours you are using in your artwork.
Annie x
Tammy, Love the fish platters!
Your ceramics are beautiful… I've never seen anything like them – wonderful! Thank you for starting the Wylde woman thing… I got 2 today!!
I was reading what you about female-led religion and boy, is it on the money! I went off the deep end about it on my blog!
Your artwork is WYLDE! I got one of your awards and here is my passing it on if you'd like to check it out
Hi Tammy
Just wanted to say thank you for starting this award which I have been lucky enough to have passed on to me! Glad to have discovered your blog as a result!! You do really WOW (wylde!!) stuff!!!
I can imagine following all the links, must be like going down the rabbit hole – one wonderful discovery after another, in Wonderland…
Love the blue mask, and the fish platters…What a colorful surprise with that glaze!