I’ve been collecting information on artists’ thoughts, challenges and resistances via a survey, The Business of Art, here on my website.
I’m holding the survey open until April 15. But in the meantime, definite trends are emerging.
Here’s the bad news: 68% of self-defined artists either have no client database or a database that is located on napkins and scraps of papers scattered everywhere. And of the 29% that do have a database, 65% use it only sporadically.
The administrative imperfection of the solo artist is probably not news to you.
My professional background before I jumped off into full-time art 8 years ago was community-based organizing. By training I know that there is nothing more important than having a list and working it.
And yet, until this year, I was in the same boat: napkins, scraps, piles here and there being contacted sporadically (and no way to track that).
Oh! Thrashes with the whip! Go to your room! Shame! Yes?
Here’s the good news for artists:
You can thrive in imperfection.
What you need is a system, and just a little bit of help.
Here’s my system:
hire a very-part time assistant who knows Excel, can type reasonably fast and very accurately. Do not roll your eyes!
What if you could have your list for about $100? (more or less depending on where you live if you want someone in person – which I do. If not, then there are Virtual Assistants out there just waiting to help you!).
My assistant is even now (still – you see I do thrive in imperfection) working on the last round of business cards, napkins, postcards, show notes, etc., that I just pulled out of nooks and crannies, and finishing up my client list. It has taken about 10 hours or so total for this list. I hired her very part-time. She is also a business woman and has other clients. She doesn’t need (or want) full time employment from me! Totally Win-Win!
Now when I’m ready to do a mailing, I tell her how to order the list (we have a column that shows how they got on the main list) and she brings/sends me labels. That alone is worth 2 hours of my time trying to remember how to find the templates and then make the labels. (Which begs the question: how much is your time worth? But that’s another post. And yes it does take me 2 hours because I hate that stuff – if you count all the procratinating I do around it, it would go to days, not hours! Just look at all that wasted energy – how much is that worth?).
You do know that 20% of your clients will buy 80% of your work, right? (It’s called the Pareto Rule and you can read about it here.)
So you know all those shows you’ve sat at without clients coming and emptying out your boothe? They’re sitting in your napkins and unused client lists. And if they’ve bought from you before, you know they love your work – they’re just begging to become your collectors! Make them happy! Send postcards with pictures of your work out regularly (say 3 or 4 times a year – totally doable now that you have hired your assistant) – just to say “hi” and let them see a picture of your latest. And send them more than 1 notice of your upcoming show; we’re all busy and things get lost. “You’re not bothering people IF you give tham something they want” (Alyson Stanfield)
If you just can’t see your way to hiring someone, then commit to adding 10 or 5 or 1 name(s) to your list every day until it is in order. Long time? yes. Better than what you have now if you if you continue your current path? You bet!
Here’s help:
Subscribe to this blog (Click one of the buttons just to your right under my picture: RSS = the orange button and E-mail = the green button.) I’m going to be talking a lot about how to your sell your art, keep your soul and save your sanity.
Here’s a tip to get started: you can leave the bad news far behind in all the facets of your art business. Start now with baby steps working toward just one small goal you decide on. If it’s the list, all you have to do right now is start putting all the names in one place. And you’re on your way!
Finally, I have a question for you: would you have been as quick to open this if I had titled it “Good News for Artists” ? Just wondering – thanks for your input!
Wylde Women’s Wisdom:
The business of art is a skill: it can be taught in chewable chunks and baby-sized steps. Just like mountains, the business of art is created one step at a time. Me
In the making of art, however, “It’s easier to paint in the angel’s feet to another’s masterwork than to discover where the angels live within yourself.” (Bayles and Orland)
Save your striving for your art; take on the business of your art imperfectly, one bite or one step at a time.
There is tons of good news – that we can make it as artists is the best of the lot.
i like that you are using excel and haven’t invested in any other database software. that’s what i am using, though i haven’t really implemented it in terms of following up to my clients yet.
as to your final question, why do we thrive on the drama of bad news? i would have been delighted to read about good news for artists. im sure there is plenty out there to share.