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Art Every Day Month 2019 – Day 11 – Autumn’s Offerings – Morning Walk

This is the place where clouds are born and I am floating…a storm is coming in.  Linda Hogan

There is no storm coming in this morning, except maybe in my head where someone (who IS that?) is arguing loudly that getting up at this time of morning and walking is …. boring, hard, not fair.  All of which is countered by my body singing, keeping rhythm to my walking feet, delirious to be outside and moving.  *I* am bemused watching all of this, slightly removed.  I have no idea how all of these pieces have managed to stay together for 70 plus years.  You’d think by now it would have all blown apart.  But here we are, grumpy and happy and me, walking paths we learned this summer so well that no decisions need to be about direction or timing.  There is no hurry.  That’s the best part.

After about half an hour, the head noise quiets down, notices the body’s humming, feels the sun’s warmth countered by the chill air, and curiosity arises.  Finally I can see outside of me instead of just the moving pictures being run by my head.

At that point all of us focus on gathering something beautiful to start our day.  I thought you might enjoy it too.

True contentment is pretty rare…When joy does come, it should be celebrated…It is healing, restorative, encouraging of the way we’re meant to be…It’s only in my later life that I’m becoming more and more happy day in and day out…Joy is less and less a momentary rush, and more of an undercurrent, the accompanying music singing through my days. Gabrielle Roth


Soul is closer to movement than it is to fixity, said Socrates, and loss of soul is the condition of being stuck – fixated on something…The arts…are ideal for leading us toward movement…take your camera nad pick a theme…and head out for an afternoon to capture it.  What we’re after is letting the unconscious go on a roll...  Gregg Levoy


Transformative practices have many purposes…[have an] ability to bring you into direct contact with the numinouse, to wake you up to the sanctity of life…can offer much more than you may have initially bargained for…it takes bravery, courage, and commitment to show up every day and be who you really are. Living Deeply” Schlitz, Vieten, Amorok


We speak of stealing time as if it no longer belonged to us.  We speak of needing time as if it wasn’t around us already in every moment.  We want to make time for ourselves as if it were in our power to do so.  Time is the converation with absence and visitation…the hours become ripe with happening only when we are attentive, patient, and present…
With a healthy outlaw approach, we are outside the laws of predictable cause and effect and inside the intensity of creative origianlity.  We have a gleam in our eye; we look to the edges of things; no one really knows what we are up to.  We see with the eyes of those who do not quite belong.  We are dangerous again, and glad to be so.  David Whyte


[when we are] more aware of what agreements, or beliefs, we are holding that don’t serve us, we can choose again, can make conscious agreements that support and nourish who we really are. HeatherAsh Amara


Does one really have to fret About enlightenment? No matter what road I travel, I’m going home. Shinsho


  • Thanks, Charlotte – won’t be many. I’m not blogging like I once did. I’d like to start again. I love getting yours – they are always so informative!

  • Just popping in to let you know I’m getting your posts by email now and really enjoying them! This is a beautiful start to my day. Thank you!

  • Hi Elizabeth – no problem. 🙂 I wasn’t expecting comments. I was just sharing for your blog.

  • Tammy, I would LOVE to be able to leave a message/comment on your drink entry. It looks like a lovely place on the water to enjoy a nice glass of wine. However, we are mostly ONLY bloggers, so I doubt you will get any comments on the facebook entry. I won’t join Fbook just to leave a comment, so I hope you understand. Thanks for sharing it with us, anyway.

  • Nature Footsteps – thank you so much! I appreciate your words as one photographer to another! that makes them special.

  • Elizabeth – I am delighted you found something to connect with in the quotes. I enjoyed searching my books for them this morning!

  • That first photo and quote reminded me of when I took my trash out today. The wind was whipping, the temperature had dropped and I could feel the storm coming.

    Your photos fro this morning walk are exceptional, Tammy. They are both beautiful and so appropriate for this time of year. Each of your quotes is absolutely perfect for the corresponding photos, too. Autumn has truly arrived in your world!

  • Erika – me too. Thanks for stopping by!

  • Fabulous fall photos. Glad you took that walk and got those photos!

  • Beautiful photos and some intriguing words.
    Cath x

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