Art Every Day Month 2018, Day 15 (AEDM2018)
Today’s art is homemade Whatever Soup – which is made by using whatever you have on hand.
This is roasted leftover cabbage, roasted cauliflower, organic baby spinach, organic TVP, organic carrots, organic canned corn, organic canned navy beans, a bottle of pasta sauce. It’s yummy.
I also had a very colorful breakfast I was going to share (eggs over medium, spinach, avocado, fake hotdogs) but I thought the picture posted to Instagram and FB and I was going to copy from there so took it off my phone. Alas, no picture. So just the picture of soup. ON a snowy (way too early) day.
The original plan was to learn how to make some silver earrings but the snow kiboshed that. Put off until next Tuesday. Which is fine. No point in being out on the road in this mess (now icy slush). Weather channel said: rain. Weather channel was WRONG!
NaNoWriMo 2018
On the other hand, I rose early because I didn’t manage many words yesterday and wanted to get a head start today. Am now at 32,772. That’s 2068 plus what little I wrote above all the repetitions I had to delete yesterday. And I know where the story is going tomorrow, which gives me a head start on my word count. I try to leave off where I can pick up easily. I managed that today. I’m pleased!
We’re on the same wavelength with soup. Yours looks yummy. Mine was pretty good. Not so much on NaNoWriMo. I’m around 15,800 words and lagging behind. On my way, though!
Your soup looks delicious! I make Whatever Soup, too. 🙂 🙂
You are really doing good on word count, right? Isn’t the goal like 50,000 words? I’ve never done it so I don’t know how it works but it sounds like you have a LOT of words! 😉