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stone and orange beadwork focal
sone and orange beadwork focal piece


Possessed: controlled or strongley influenced, especially by a supposed evila supernatural force or a strong emotion; having something as a quality, characteristic, or belief; having or owning something.

So, are you possessed?  And if you are, is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Because you create your life by the things you choose to allow in.

I got to thinking about being possessed the other day, playing Wii in the Poconos, in front of people I’d never seen.  Not a usual thing for me.  I’m usually in the back watching everyone else, but this is my year of Extraordinary, and I’m trying new things, so I tried this:   bowling on Wii.  In public.  And I didn’t do badly, either (it helps that I have a Wii at home, but we bought it for Grandson and I’ve played it about 4 times in the year or so we’ve had it).

Then I played pool with husband.  That is one of our fun things in the Poconos – neither of us play well.  I usually play abysmally.  But this time I kicked ass.  No other word for it.  I led in games won until the very last day.  We wound up tied, but as I rule I’m so far behind we don’t even count.

I was ON.  I was IN THE FLOW.  I was totally possessed and, maybe for the first time in my life self-possessed.  And it felt like this:  I was so in my body and out of my head that I didn’t care if I wasn’t perfect in front of other people.  I was focused on what I was doing and enjoying it immensely.  And I swear to you that I could actually see lines on the pool table

3 beadwork focals
3 beadwork focals

 (possessed, some might venture).  Why, I even made some terrific off the rail shots!

The only things I did differently than usual were:  showed up and tried something new; and, when things didn’t go exactly right, instead of thinking “oh, you never do this well,” I thought: “wow, look at you, trying new things and getting better and better.”

I am no longer “possessed” by the voice in my head that doesn’t treat me nicely.  She (the Hamster) is off in a field somewhere exploring.  Now, I am possessed by my authentic self, and when I speak to myself, I speak kindly, even with encouragement.  This feels GREAT!  I don’t know why I didn’t step into it before!

Ever had anyone ask you:  What possessed you to do that?  What does possess you? (Tell us your story, here).

2 beadwork focals
2 beadwork focals

Wylde Women’s Wisdom:

  Most of us like the feeling of being in control.  We think that if we keep our hand on the lever, things will go just the way we want them to; we’ll be satisfied.  The problem with always having to be in control is that you have to stay at the control Panel.  You can’t leave to get out on the dance floor.  Victoria Castle, The Trance of Scarcity


  • Wow, Tammy! Just wow. Yes, look at you trying new things and getting better all the time: Stunning art and stunning words! Thanks so much for sharing all of it!

  • Your beadwork focals are fabulous as are the musing on being possessed. I am possessed lately by decluttering my space here at home and simplifying everything. So much so that David is about ready to kill me – because when I have to tear apart the boxes on the highest shelves of the closet I need his help for the heavy lifting making him stop whatever he was doing to come help me. Oops. Possessed. I’m trying to focus on things I can do myself until he’s ready to take a break. But it’s hard when you’re possessed by that decluttering bug!

  • YAY for EXTRAORDINARY and for fun and trying new things and kicking butt while doing them…I can relate…This is my year of Wild Woman Paradigms

  • Wow, this is great! I too am learning the joy & freedom in authenticity. It takes such a big burden away.

  • I love this thinking… “Now, I am possessed by my authentic self, and when I speak to myself, I speak kindly, even with encouragement.” It’s something we as Mothers and Grandmothers should teach to our families. Imagine how different the world would be if we all thought like this!

  • Awesome post Tammy, that must have felt wonderful. Have a great week.

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