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Ceramic focals drying

I love family days!  And they wear me out.  Which makes me think I may be getting old!

Thanksgiving was lovely.  Our Lady of Perpetual Motion barely took a break the whole day – which is amazing as she didn’t get a good nap and was tired when she got here.

The only time she stopped, I snapped her.  Sueno doggie is watching over her.Sueno watching over Our Lady of Perpetual Motion for the 5 seconds she held still.    Sueno loves little ones.  LOVEs them and is very concerned if they cry or seem upset.  She will sit still for any kind of “loving” little ones give her (which of course means we have to keep an eye on Our Lady PM as she is just learning about these things). 

That outfit she has on was her mother’s, made by my mother.  It has given me pleasure beyond imagining to see her wear these 3 outfits that my Mom made since my Mom has been gone since Daughter was 2.  There are things you simply don’t “declutter.”  Even when you expect they won’t ever be used.  Because sometimes they are and that’s why you keep them in the first place.

Battling Tops: Get Ready!

Here’s Hubby with grandkids last week playing battling tops.

Battle of the tops

 Today I’m hoping to get into the studio and glaze those focals, but not before we enjoy one of the best things of big holiday dinners:  left over mashed potatoes as potato pancakes. mmmmm.

If you look hard you can also see some sea nettle tops beneath that drying.  I’m going to glaze them too and then maybe make one or two big pieces for fun.

We missed Son (in Florida)(maybe next year)(Hubby and Grandson visiting Son soon to play at Universal) and Grandson  (with his Daddy – here for Christmas) but we kept them in our hearts.  Hope your hearts were full too!

A few more pictures to share (Son-in-Law, his Mom, and I are missing – oversight on the part of the camera woman!):

my girls
Our Lady of Perpetual Motion
(okay – WordPress is taking a vacation today.  There is another photo of Grandson working on his project that won’t come up, and I can’t seem to delet the caption from Our Lady’s photo here, so I’ll just go with imperfection until WordPress decides to fix itself!)

Wylde Women’s Wisdom

The starting point is not that you don’t have any and you just want a little;  it’s that you have everything and you just want a little.  The Universe


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    Linda when my kids were little we would visit my Dad every Sunday. he was late 70s early 80s at that time. he could handle us for about an hour – maybe and then it was time for us to go. Driving was 1.5 each way. I now understand that. I think having had my experience with him I don’t find it so depressing, I just plan our big days so that there are boundaries. Daughter brings her family every other Sunday to visit. Husband falls asleep in his chair. I fall asleep when they leave – the boundaries are looser and the day longer. My Mom used to say youth was wasted on the young. It has taken me a long time – but now I understand! Wish I could bottle that energy!

  • what a beautiful family you have including your sweet pooch….and i do get how tired you are as i was so excited for my family to visit and was completely exhausted by them at the same time….how depressing thought i….ah well, nothing to do but accept and eat. 🙂

  • Peg

    Lovely pictures! Happy Holidays!

  • Great family pictures! I´ve played my fair share of Battling Tops with the kids too. 😀

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