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AEDM 11: Be Creative – Live Vulnerably and Wholeheartedly

Wylde Woman with Bird 14 x 16 Crayon on Paper by Tammy Vitale $199Today’s offering is my finished version of AEDM 8’s coloring page.  In case you can’t tell, I was playing with an Impressionist color palette.  I hardly every use pink but it seemed to fit in here so here’s to a first for me (my pink crayon has now been used).


I am reading Brene Brown’s The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are.

I discovered Brene via a YouTube passing around the internet this past month (where I learn a lot of things these days – better than the news on TV!) 

Let’s just say that for me she’s definitely hitting the nail on the head in many ways.  She has coined the term “Wholehearted” as a way to speak of a life that is happy and fulfilled – and how people arrive there.

Here she is on Creativity (which, until her breakdown/breakthrough, she notes, she held in disdain).

“Let me sum up what I’ve learned about creativity from the world of wholehearted living and loving:

1.  ‘I’m not very creative’ doesn’t work.  There’s no such thing as creative people and non-creative people.  There are only people who use their creativity and people who don’t.  Unused creativity doesn’t just disappear.  it lives with us until it’s expressed, neglected to death, or suffocated by resentment and fear. [emphasis mine].

2.  The only unique contribution that we will ever make in this world will be born of our creativity.

3.  If we want to make meaning, we need to make art.  cook, write, draw, doodle, paint, scrapbook, take pictures, collage, knit, rebuild an engine, sculpt, dance, decorate, act, sing – it doesn’t matter.  As long as we’re creating, we’re cultivating meaning.

“Literally one month after I worked through the data on creativity, I signed up for a gourd-painting class.  I’m not even kidding….”

“If creativity is seen as a luxury or something we do when we have spare time, it will never be cultivated…When I make creating a priority, everything in my life works better…I think it’s so important to find and be a part of a community of like-spirited people who share your beliefs about creativity.  Take a class.  Risk feeling vulnerable and new and imperfect and take a class.”

There, in a nut shell, is my philosophy of life. 

What do you think about creativity?  How does it impact your life?

Wylde Women’s Wisdom

Brene Brown:  The Price of Invulnerability  (“joy becomes foreboding” “Disappointment as a life style:  it is much easier to live disappointment then to feel disappointment.” “Perfection has nothing to do with excellence. Perfection is a tool we use to protect ourselves.” “We live in a culture that tells us that..we are not good enough, safe enough…extraordinary enough.” “We are not aware of how many images of scarcity we collect in a day.”


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    Jul: Maybe it’s a plot – maybe we are being fed “use pink and orange” in our sleep!

    Brene is wonderful – she has a bunch of videos. Glad you enjoyed listening to her – she’s
    funny yet perceptive and right on in her observations!

    thanks for stopping by

  • Loved the video! Listened to it while painting, and I think it put me in a great head-space.

    I used to have an aversion to pink and orange, but lately they have been showing up in all my paintings.

  • This picture generates such a sense of peacefulness and contentment. Love your words on creativity as well.

  • <div class="apbct-real-user-wrapper"> <div class="apbct-real-user-author-name">Tammy Vitale</div> <div class="apbct-real-user-badge"> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img" style="align-self: center;"> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup apbct-trp-popup-desktop" id="apbct_trp_comment_id_3139"> <div class="apbct-real-user-title"> <p class="apbct-real-user-popup-header">The Real Person!</p> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup-content_row"> <div> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img"> </div> <div> <span class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Author <b>Tammy Vitale</b> acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.</span> </div> </div> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup-content_row"> <div> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img"> </div> <div> <span class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup apbct-trp-popup-mob" id="apbct_trp_comment_id_3139"> <div class="apbct-real-user-title"> <p class="apbct-real-user-popup-header">The Real Person!</p> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup-content_row"> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img"> <span class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Author <b>Tammy Vitale</b> acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.</span> </div> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup-content_row"> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img"> <span class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div>

    Leah – fun stuff. I’m enjoying it too!

  • Tammy, I’ve loved seeing this image colored in by others!! And now by you!

  • <div class="apbct-real-user-wrapper"> <div class="apbct-real-user-author-name">Tammy Vitale</div> <div class="apbct-real-user-badge"> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img" style="align-self: center;"> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup apbct-trp-popup-desktop" id="apbct_trp_comment_id_3137"> <div class="apbct-real-user-title"> <p class="apbct-real-user-popup-header">The Real Person!</p> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup-content_row"> <div> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img"> </div> <div> <span class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Author <b>Tammy Vitale</b> acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.</span> </div> </div> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup-content_row"> <div> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img"> </div> <div> <span class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup apbct-trp-popup-mob" id="apbct_trp_comment_id_3137"> <div class="apbct-real-user-title"> <p class="apbct-real-user-popup-header">The Real Person!</p> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup-content_row"> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img"> <span class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Author <b>Tammy Vitale</b> acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.</span> </div> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup-content_row"> <img src="" class="apbct-real-user-popup-img"> <span class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div>

    B:I think I pay more attention to color when I crayon because it is large flat surfaces (mostly)of color. So the color needs to delineate as much as the picture. Or at least that’s my
    theory. For today. ;]

    Katrina – this is an amazing book. Amazing! I have run into it at exactly the right time – I love when that happens!

    Anne: Daughter agrees with you. She is a very pink person. And dresses granddaugher in pinks and purples.

    Me – I wear no pink. Well, making shocking pink now and then, but mostly I tend toward reds and oranges.

  • Really inspiring post. Thank you! (Hooray for pink!)

  • I like the beautiful colour combination on the dress.

    Thank you for the book recommendation.

    “When I make creating a priority, everything in my life works better…” – I’m finding this is very true for me too.

    Kat 🙂

  • I think the colour palette you chose for this page is perfect!

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