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The whole point of networking is creation of a space for relationships.  In business, networking is creation of a space for relationships which lead to sales of some sort.  For women not into Type A, reach my goal, take the hill at all cost behavior, this can be intimidating.  Or distasteful.  Or just ignored since it doesn’t fit the business plan, if there is one.Masque_dark_of_the_moon_72

Side bar:  recently I decided that my business/strategic plan from here on out is:  one paragraph on where I am; one paragraph on where I want to be.   I am leaving the specifics of getting from the first paragraph to the second paragraph up to the Universe, leaving room for magic.

Which actually isn’t a side bar because it’s pretty much the same way I network.  Here is who I know, there is who I want to know (defined, somewhat, in marketing demographics) and leave the particulars up to magic.

Just so you know, there is at least one networking group out there (out there at the moment being in Southern Maryland, aiming at all of Maryland, but surely able to be imitated elsewhere) that pretty much works like that.  Formed in Jan 2006 Women in Harmony, www.WomeninHarmony.org, has provided a very laid back way to meet other women entrepreneurs, learn about business (even the    Type A kind if you’re so inclined – your own choice), and get referrals (required by the network to stay a member in good standing).  There must be a need for it out there since the original chapter already has 15  members and 2 new chapters have been formed – all inside 4 months.  Mary Bowen , www.MaryTBowen.com, is the wild spark behind the group which she started because she wanted a support group and couldn’t find one that fit her needs.  I should mention that I found Mary’s first press release in the local paper 2 days after I breathed out a wish for someone else to take leadership in something that would help me "get out there" networking style.  See, that’s the magic part.  The first person I met prior to our first meeting (an early bird like me) was also named Tammy (what are the chances).  And she became my webmaster (www.watierdesign.com)

That’s mostly the way I’ve done art, too.  My art is not traditional Southern Maryland art which, as a recent Washington Post article notes, is pretty much birds, barns and boats, or my take on it:  blue herons and lighthouses.  So I started a Gallery called Wylde Women Gallery for all the rest of us.  While it eventually got closed down due to censorhip of The Doors by Terri St Cloud, it established me as an artist who is serious about her work and who is willing to fight for a place for not only her own work but also for the work of others who "dont fit."  I think that energy opened up a bit more what is acceptable here, too, since all of a sudden I’m starting to see abstract art (which I suppose can still match your couch if you pick the right colors – the standard, if art shows and chatting with purchasers is any indication, by which much art is purchased here).  It also created a network of artists in the area who, like me, weren’t doing traditional art.  On bad days that is a good thing.  On good days, it can be downright glorious.

So here’s to networks, no matter how they’re formed, even in the interstices of the web in 1s and 0s.  And here’s to remembering that everything doesn’t have to be by the MGMT 101 book.  Don’t forget to leave room for the magic.

(p.s.  I haven’t quite figured out how to insert workable links, so you may have to copy the links into your address line until I get it figured out.  All the links are good, so don’t believe the "can’t find it page" if it shows up.)

My Artwork:  Dark of the Moon, raku mask, 21" tall

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