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Show_packing_work Packing for show at Joie de Vivre, Cambridge, MD, studio of Tammy Vitale

You’ll have to click on this picture to see anything that makes sense, I think.  It looks jumbled but that’s because my space looked jumbled the better part of yesterday as I sorted and packed and got labels together for the 3 month show at Joie de Vivre in Cambridge.  Loading in Monday.  Reception Saturday the 11th 5 – 7 pm.  If you’re in the vicinity, stop on by.

Talked with A Step Above Gallery in Berlin (down the road from Joie de Vivre) and will be dropping more work to them the 11th during the day.  And then my studio will be mostly empty.  I’ll need to make some more fish for the Dec 2 craft show on Pax River Naval Base, and then I’m thinking, except for classes that may or may not go, that January and February are times off (although I’m sure my hands will be in clay – but only for fun.  At least that’s what I’m promising myself).

I note that whatever was wrong with typepad yesterday fixed itself 4 times in my post.  Well, I guess better than nothing at all!Nov_5_3_women

Since I’m leaving early tomorrow morning, I’m posting both Nov 5 and Nov 6 art-for-the-day here today.  It actually works well because Three Women (collage, crayon, water color, acrylic – and very curled – it was either skewed or my feet on the edges to hold it down, so here is skewed) was the first piece and I liked the tree so much I went ahead and did a 2nd piece.  I note that I’m getting bigger.  My Nov 1 piece was 8×10".  I guess I figured if I kept it small it would be easier and faster.  Winter Tree is 18×24.  I like working big and haven’t for a while in 2D.  That’s the beauty of this one-a-day thing, I think.  It frees a creative space and that gets larger and larger.  I also wanted to work tighter and you can see that in Three Women and/but I should know better by now that tight isn’t  my style.  I love just playing with this, since that’s what it’s for in the first place.  And in only 5 days the magic is already starting to work.  Can you tell I like big round yellow objects?  Did you see the moon last night?

I need some gesso.  One of the other participants did a water color that looks like batik and Nov_6_winter_tree attributes that to using gesso.  I thought I had some, but no.  So that is on my shopping list.

thought for the day: But the artist persists because [s]he has the will to create, and this is the magic power which can transform and transfigure and transpose and which will ultimately be transmitted to others.  Anais Nin

1 Comment

  • gorgeous! i love the art that you are creating. you are such an inspiration to me with all that you create each day.

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