I’ll leave you to decide for yourself whether or not the Supermoon will have any more affect on you or the world than a regular Full Moon. For me, any full moon is enough – I always know I’m approaching or just passed one because things go a bit haywire in my life…even (or maybe especially) when I’m not paying attention.
As Molly Gordon shares in her newsletter today, when transforming from caterpillar to butterfly there’s a period where it’s all mush (or as Eric Klein – from whom she borrowed the post says, “goo.” You can’t escape it).
I’m in a lot of goo lately and it’s manifesting as artjournalling – which I’ve always loved but never tired, a rebirth of my past years’ political activism (I am appalled at what is happening with women’s rights in this country right now), the founding of my Sixties Women blog, a lot of playing in the mud (that would be making new stuff in clay and ceramics that is tending toward mixed media), some doing the same old and expecting it to wind up differently (the definition of insanity) and of course it didn’t. Which made me mad until I realized that it’s my choice to do the same old same old or find a new pathway. New pathway it is.
I suspect you’re seeing some of that here as I muddle through what to write about. Being in the mush stage means my energy is being dragged in about 20 different directions right now – and, trying something new, that means I sit in the center and see which one wins as opposed to fretting about what isn’t happening that should be, what is happening that shouldn’t be and all that judgment stuff.
Got it: sit, center, be still. Then listen. And watch. I have the answers already.
So in the meantime I’ll give you a good hodgepodge of things to check out and you can do your own sorting. Enjoy!
Know the Enneagram or want to? Check out Discover the Enneagram as a Tool for Business and Personal Relationships. Gatineau, Quebec
Tangerine Meg, and her awesome art and t-shirts (see the picture – I won it. And it’s wonderful!). Her tagline is “I make bold art for bold souls.” I plan to wear this tshirt everytime I need to feel bold. It should be worn out very quickly. But I know where to get more! (She’s from Australia. Her TShirts are made in the USA).
Mara Friedman’s art which I discovered in a used book store illustrating a book entitled Creative Menopause. The art of the Sacred Feminine. Go enjoy!
Betty La Duke’s art which I discovered about 6 years ago hanging on the wall of a woman I was working with as a consultant for workshops on Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence with the state of Maryland.
Here’s my latest art journaling pages. And in case you’re interested in what came before, you can see Video 1 here, Video 2 here and Video 3 here. Come and follow along as I learn art journaling – I really love it and I want to move it into mixed media eventualy. I’ve seen some pretty spectacular mixed media work (that I don’t have pictures or references for – sorry) that are in the back of my head churning out: I want to do that!
Wylde Women’s Wisdom
Here are some common areas of life where people get goo-ified (check all that apply to your life):
- Identity – I can’t go on being the person I have been, but I’m not sure who I’m becoming.
- Business – The business is changing – but I’m not sure into what? Is it dying or being reborn? I can’t tell.
- Role in the organization – My old role and my old skills no longer work. But, I’m not sure what I need to do next or how to continue to add value?
- Relationship – Our old ways of being together no longer make sense. But, how can I be in this relationship, when I don’t even know what it is anymore?
- Motivation – The needs and values that used to drive me don’t anymore. I’m not sure what matters or how to even re-connect to a sense of passion and purpose.
- Beliefs – I’ve outgrown my former beliefs. But, now I’m not sure what I believe. I can’t go back. But, I’m not sure how to go forward.
Eric Klein