Yesterday I discovered I made a mistake on my (filed) taxes that means I have to file amended and get less money back. Started to throw my day into a funk.
Here’s where is gets interesting. You know how they say on-line friendships aren’t real? Well, I put a call out on FaceBook for good energy because mine was low (okay I was in reaction). And folks responded. You know as well as I do that when you’re in a funk just knowing there are others out there paying attention and willing to send good thoughts your way is HUGE. So don’t tell me the internet and the folks you meet there are less valuable than face to face interactions. When you work alone in your home all day, the internet can be a critical social connection. Many thanks to all those who sent such lovely notes!
My “cure” was playing with my vision journal. I got out my magazines and dreamed over a redone 1st floor bath (shower curtain and floor, which needs replacing), and my outside space: rocks, shade plants, more rocks, small trees, more rocks (I have to import rocks. What we have is clay. So all you folks with rocks? that are free? There’s something for your gratitude list!). Then coloring with crayons around the pictures to make them whole. I’ll share when I’m done.
I think February may well be the longest month of the year.
That said, I must also share that there are great things out and about on the web. So here you go.
1. How to Take an Instant Vacation from Ruth Davis.
I love this because it hooked right into what I had on my calendar as a note to talk about today: how to take a vacation in your own backyard. I will flesh that out with actual “vacation” photos later on, but every time I go away on vacation (which is sort of necessary because I work out of my house and if I’m in my house, work beckons) I realize that I live in a wonderful area (which I love dearly) and that I am cheating myself by not taking advantage of “mini-vacations,” camera in hand and a 3 minute car ride away: Patuxent River meets Chesapeake Bay, Solomons Island, AnnMarie Sculpture Garden (video below)….all 3 minutes away. So a great big “thank you!” to Ruth for reminding me of that!
2. Nothing Will Change Unless We Change by Carol Wiebe, Silverspring Studios blog.
I ran across the 13 Grandmothers last year some time. The video Carol shares reminds me of them, how as Crones (having passed the Maiden, Mother protions of our lives), we have an active role for the rest of our lives: save this earth for our next 7 generations. What I know is that who I am will have as much impact on that next 7 generations as what I do. Some days that is hard to remember, but I’ve been practicing and learning to trust the process of being true to myself and the ripples that radiate from that alone.
In addition, stay a while and look around. Carol’s blog will introduce you to amazing people – you won’t be sorry!
3. Remembering Your Genius, The Artist Within You by Bindu Wiles
Another video that will make you smile – be sure to watch all the way through…This little guy has the beat and the end is awesome since that 4 minute video must have seemed like a lifetime to him!

4. Bonus
See that Wylde Woman picture up top? Well, she is going to be about 6ft tall. The spaces shapped into her bodice and sleeves are for hanging things – Goddessy garden things. I’m going to have a party and invite other goddess women over to bring things that will bless my garden. Perhaps make a few things from ceramic and copper. And artgal, Mary Ida Rolape, says to me when she sees it lying (laying?) there on the desk: you should make small ones so people can do their own goddess blessing for family or friends, birthdays or anniversaries, etc. You get the idea? So today I’ll be in the studio playing with smaller ones. The big one will be outside so things have to be mostly weather proof but just think of the possibilities inside: a Vision Goddess that is always in process. Which means I have to end by saying in person friendships are awesome too!
5. Inspiration for those not technically inclined. (yes! another bonus! you’re lucky day!)
Thanks to Kathleen Sullivan at The Savvy VA (VA = Virtual Assistant) I am learning to make WordPress websites. Yes. That would be me – scared of anything electronic. The one who had to sniff her kiln for 6 months before she used it. The one whose husband held her hand and helped her install her first hand-made tile floor. That me. Check out my new website (in its infancy), SixtiesWomen for all us Boomer Grandmothers. It will be about stories. Mostly my own but I would dearly love to have others link and share (there’s a link there on the only page currently on the blog and I plan to put that link in all the blogs so we can find each other more easily). And lest you think I am a one-time wonder, I have also begun a website for my son. Never too old to learn something new!
Wylde Women’s Wisdom
The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
Another wonderful, soul-nourishing post. (I’m still catching up to the present ones!)
I hear you so much with the working from home and needing a bit of a change of scenery and, importantly, the realness of online friendships, too!
Good on you making a website for your son!
Made me laugh!
Better than “Old Maid”
Looking forward to that Crone thing are you?!
Nothing says you can’t start “practicing” now
Like you–and Ruth–I think there is plenty to do in the wonderful place we live in. One can also do something to preserve our beaches. The National Aquarium is sponsoring a sand dune restoration between feb.23-26. ACLT always has things to do. Oh, I only have 4 more years and I get to be a crone!
Kathleen: I’m willing to try anything – have to find a minute. Busy thru next Tuesday (Valentine’s is our 26th anniv!)
Kristin: I will take all the good thoughts and energy I can get – whenever! thank you!
I’m sorry I missed your post on FB yesterday, so I’ll send you lots of love & kind thoughts through the cyberverse now. Have a lovely time today with your goddesses.
Tammy, you are the best! Love what you are doing.
PS I think you could install the “Tal.ki Embeddable Forums” plugin so that there’ll be discussion back and forth as well as stories posted right there on your site. What do you think?
that would be “camera”
yes – plan to video that if my (brand new) flip camber will hold a charge!
What a lot of brightening power there is in this post, especially the Goddess Garden Party!