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Chair_shangrila_full Recycle Furniture:  Chair, Shangri-la, hand-made tile, by Tammy Vitale (sold)

Suddenly I am sleeping to 7:30 (although I was awake from 4am to 5 am this morning, but refused to get out of bed).  And suddenly Husband and I are are the same:  oooooh, let’s go road trip and not doing anything productive.  At the same time.  This is very dangerous. 

So Wednesday, after a morning of part-time job (and needing to hold on to hours for appts on Thursday), off we went to St. Michaels on the Eastern Shore (of the Chesapeake Bay – we live on the Western Shore – the Bay is such a big swath of water, people around here locate themselves by which shore they live on).  To buy Husband’s favorite soap.  And eat.

And in my instance, look at house books.  And I found a neat one that we really want to see on the lower Eastern Shore (with a straight shot to the Outer Banks so eventually we could have a house on the lower Eastern Shore and one in OBX – well, I can dream, can’t I?).  Turns out it may be going under contract, so I went looking on line and found 2 more.  So we’ll probably run back down on Saturday – which will be a good opportunity to run through Cambridge and drop a mask to replace the one that broke.  See, it’s not entirely non-productive.

And really, if you’re off together enjoying the talk that always ensues in a long car ride, and dinner somewhere together (our favorite place is now not the place it used to be!  It changed owners!  It’s now called "Holly Mackerel" and served a not bad at all $10 8 ounce Md blue crab cake.  With great fries.  And I ate them.  And an ice cream.  And I didn’t get sick.  Enough for a happy dance in that sentance!

Today I’m definitely in the studio because Dhyana is coming over and that will keep me anchored for a while.  Then we’re going out somewhere for dinner.  That means we can’t go before 5 pm because nothing on Solomons opens for dinner before 5 pm.  She’s coming at noon – so there you go.  Hours and hours of productive studio time!  It all works out in the end!

thought for the day:  One of the rules of the class was that each participant was to treat her drawings as if they were personal diary entries of her inner life, not for publication or display.  As the women became startled with the freshness and newness of their visual pieces, I reminded them that these images hadn’t come from another world to visit them.  Rather they were part of the interior landscape with which the women lived all the time and had not noticed, or just barely noticed, or had erased….

Making a visual diary will help you uncover the forms that are yours.  If you can incorporate diary making into your daily life, you and your art wil have an ongoing relationship…Mundane notions such as shopping lists, appointments, and phone numbere…along with philosophical commentary, overheard bits of dialogue and other says that come [your] way….Nancy Azara, Spirit Taking Form:  Making a Spiritual Practice of Making Art


  • Sounds to me like a great way to spend a summer day. I haven't had crab cakes in so-o-o long – and now for some odd reason, I find I'm craving 'em…

  • Penny

    Ahh that's what summer was made for. To take an impromtu trip, to soak up sun and eat lots of fresh food — because winter will be here before we know it and we'll need the memories of those long, lazy summer days.

  • that sounds like a wonderful afternoon; (wondering if blue crab tastes like red crab… regardless putting my tuna sandwhich to shame!)

    so true about the diarys.

  • OHHHHHHHH A road trip!

    I love road trips!!! Impromptu ones are of course the most fun, since there's no time to plan and you can only choose fun things to do!

    Mmm… make my shopping lists into art…. that could be fun.

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