I have returned from Trekking in the S.W.
Here are some things I found.
The sun in Arizona and New Mexico is blazing bright. I believe that the bright colors one sees everywhere out there has to do with the fact that the sun light washes everything to white unless the color can hold its own. It makes for great play of light and shadow and requires sun glasses all day long.
Dry or wet, 107 degrees is hot and no fun when you’re out in it for long periods of time. One MUST carry water always and everywhere!
The local water hole is always a treat to find and refreshing to be around. Cairns just add to the interest (and they are everywhere there are vortexes in AZ).
There is magnificent art in Santa Fe on Canyon Road and in the city proper (which is a very very walkable town). Love this place! I’ve never seen so much original art! Favorites:
David Adix (here’s a video of his making one of the figures I fell in love with!)at Karen Melfi Collection
Roberta de la Vega at Adieb Khadoure Fine Art
Ms. Alex Watts at Winterowd Fine Art
Jim Eppler (bronze ravens…awesome!) Manitou Galleries (also in Sedona AZ)
Bill Worrell (his shamans…actually, all his work. I came home with his “color outside the lines” poster. I think he and I would like each other!) Frank Howell Gallery (also in Sedona).
Polly Whitcomb Patina Gallery (off town plaza)
Chalk Farm Gallery – visionary art
La Mesa Gallery – Vicki Grant (I know from Asheville NC) and several other really nice artists whose names I can’t put my hands on right now.
In Sedona AZ: James Ratliff Gallery and David John.
There’s a very favorite artist missing – I pulled his work out of an American Style magazine years ago and got to see it in person on Canyon Road, but I seem to have misplaced the gallery and his name. =[ I’ll find him eventually, I’m sure, and will share with you when I do.

His work set me to sketching a mask that I want to make in clay and with found objects. In fact, all of this filled me up to the brim and tipped me over to overflowing. I am making my way through cleaning my office and bead room and house and planting in my garden to working in clay. I haven’t for a while. Too long, actually. I’ve been using making jewelry as an excuse not to go into the clay studio. That hiatus will end within the month.
What have YOU discovered lately? Share here!
Wylde Women’s Wisdom:
What would it be like if we all strived for ecstasy? What if we were required to study it in school? What if everybody in the first grade was taught that we are DIVINE BEINGS, each of us holding a unique gift to give that can bring forward the experience of ecstasy when we SHARE the gift with others/ What is more important than this? This sharing of ourselves, the loving of others through our unique talents. Katherin Q. Revoir
[…] These photos aren’t counted in the 7 things, but you could count them (which would mean I overdelivered – that makes me happy – hope it makes you happy too!). All are a part of the filling up I did while out in Santa Fe. […]
Oh, Tammy, this brought back memories of my walk down Canyon Road. “Filled up to the brim and tipped over to overflowing” about describes it.
That artist you’re trying to think of wasn’t Craig Kosak by any chance? he’s had shows at Giacobbe Fritz Fine Art. His crows (and everything else) are magnificent.
Wooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww… even thinking of the southwest inspires me to create…
What have I discovered? I’ve discovered that I can find a million and one excuses to avoid making things that I truly love and believe in, and a million other, “safer” things to do instead.
I’ve also discovered that I really really really really really love to collage, and that I need to find glaze to add some fun effects (and less stickiness) to anything I collage.
Wasn’t until you just introduced me – what great energy!
wow! what great discoveries! I especially loved Hib Sabin’s work at Manitou. (among others you mentioned.) I think I need to head out that way again!
Are you familiar with Rocky Hawkins http://www.rockyhawkins.com/
you might like his work. I met him a couple years ago – such a wonderful spirit.