Every now and then I like to go back and see what I’ve written. Now seemed like the perfect time since I’m going to be away from my office a bit and so am preposting blogs so that I don’t forget since my schedule will not be running on its normally abnormal rhythm. Planned chaos. Preposting is the “planned” part. Everything else is open for adventure and extraordinary occurances (hear that Universe?!)
Here are some posts from this time last year, along with some other posts that seemed pertinent for your browsing pleasure. Enjoy!
How Many Words Does It Take To Change the World
Greed or Capitalism – i.e.- Making A Living
Do You Really Need a Gallery Joanne Mattera
Underground Temples – 8th wonder of the world Daily UK
Do you every look back over your journals or blogs or notes to discover where you’ve been? Does it ever help you see better how you got where you are and where you might be going?
Patty Digh writes in Life is a Verb: “Quantum physics tells us that the presence watching an experiment changes the experiment; the act of observing affects what is observed…How are we changing the people around us by how we respond to them, or don’t?”
How do we change ourselves by the way we respond to ourself – all the parts of ourself – or don’t? How do we change our stories by what we remember and what we forget? Never mind the kids (for now – they’re grown anyways); it’s close to midnight, do you know where you are?
Wylde Women’s Wisdom
Your memory is going to be completely erased in five minutes. You have only that amount of time to write down everything you want or need to remember. Start writing. At the end of five minutes, stop. …Since your memory will be erased, you can create the life you really want! Write for five more minutes and create a compelling image of that life, making it very specific: What kind of room do you wake up in? With whom do you eat breakfast?….What would it take to start creating that life? Patty Digh