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Memory Goddess: Momma (in process)



I’m in the process of creating this (new line) Memory Goddess as a portrait of my Mom to enter into Annmarie Garden’s upcoming Portrait show. 

Rummaging around for pictures of Momma, I found an old album of hers that I’ve had in my basement for the 17 years we’ve lived in this house.  I thought it was pictures of her friends when she was younger.  Well, I may have gone through it once for family pictures and mailed them out to cousins, but what was left, and what I completely forgot, were dozens of pictures of a very young woman:  a woman hanging out with her sisters, a woman in love, a woman fishing (she loved to fish), a woman as a young mother.

I’m not sure what you can learn from pictures, but I realize that I hardly knew her.  She lived for 63 years.  I’m turning 63 this month.  I lived with her for 19 years and the last 2 I was “in love” and hardly ever home.  Whatever I thought I knew about her was just a teeny tiny part of who she was.

I learned I didn’t know as much about her as I thought I knew!


Last thursday night Hubby’s motorcycle died and he had to spend the night at work and the next morning fixing it.  Then Sunday, our old van died in a CVS drive through – the steering wheel locked up.  We have AAA but the driver didn’t know what to do when he came – Hubby crawled under the van and beat the transmission into neutral.  I stayed behind so as not to crowd the AAA truck’s front seat (we were 5 minutes from home).  Hubby’s car had a dead battery.  By the time he got me it was too late to get to the hardware to get supplies for the Garden Goddess I am working on.

And I laughed!  I learned that I can laugh at all that now because not laughing, and getting upset doesn’t change what is!  New one for me.  Most welcome!

Three and Four

I have put more political posts on my FaceBook this past week than I have in the past two years.  Possibly it’s the moon.

I learned that community Organizers don’t die, and they don’t fade away either.  They rest for a while.  Then it’s time to “go” again.

And I learned that apparently women’s rights will last for only so long as women are ready to fight for them.  I am.  How about you?


Had coffee this morning with she who is my sounding board and fellow rabble rouser.  She who gave me the way to get out from under my hamster voice (by the way, I haven’t heard from said hamster in months – I just realized that!).

Talking with her, learned the direction Sixties Women (my other blog) will be heading off in:  stories about what women didn’t have in the 1960s, and stories about how if I can help it (see three and 4 above) we aren’t going back. 

What I know for a fact and didn’t have to learn this past week:  if we don’t share our stories, those who want to take away women’s rights will do it


I learned when you stop worrying about things (see Two above), you make space for other incredible energy to come into play.  And oh! am I playing!


I learned that I can in fact write a newsletter and have it be different from my blog!  It took me a year to figure that one out!  smART Women was born about a month ago, and I’m really enjoying writing it – totally different rhythm and energy than either blog.  I’m learning that in addition to being an artist, I am also a writer…because I write.  A lot. (You get the newsletter when you sign up for my coloring book pages).


Yes – I know the title says 7; but if you read me often you know I like giving a bonus. 

I learned that after you hit somewhere around 2,000 friends on FaceBook, people come looking to friend you instead of your having to go out and track new friends down.


It’s been a very busy and grand week!!  Why stop now!  (Make and break your own rules!)

I learned that Linked-in has something called “groups” that helps you find like minded people.  GREAT networking tool!

How about you? What have you learned this week?

Wylde Women’s Wisdom

The only true path is the one you create as you go.  Tammy Vitale


  • Belinda

    I learned that thinking positively about things I think I don’t want to do, really does change the outcome. Even though I knew this worked, I really needed to put it into practice.

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    Yes – I’m supposing there’s a reason I will never know and I’m okay with that.

    I’m loving making this Memory Goddess of my mother – I feel like I’m getting to know her better – outside the stories I’ve always told myself.

  • Kirsten

    Obviously the Universe didn’t want you to go to the hardware store on Sunday.
    The Memory Goddess with your momma’s photograph is beautiful.

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