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Writing on the Wall – Body Politics ArtOMatic 2009

5.29 writing on the wall 3 Sorry for the blur but I was taking photos from a distance as I watch Body Politics on opening night at ArtOMatic…needed a tripod. 

I left around 9:30 pm after having been there since 3 to:  wander quickly through all the floors (more on that later); mark up the spaces in Marketplace (where AOM artists will vend their art Sundays June 7, 14, 21, 28 from noon til 7pm…make note all you locals!), visit with the few early visitors whom I knew and then sit and watch my spaces at ArtOMatic as the crowds began to filter in.  Crowds there were…around about 7pm (when I finished Marketplace) the outside sidewalk was full – I should have taken a picture but did not.

I had to catch metro to the 9:30 Club to meet up with Husband, my ride for the night, and wasn't sure about metro hours or riding late (hey, I'm a country girl now).  Needn't have worried – there were throngs in the stations around ArtOMatic.  An aside:  at the 9:30 Club I got to watch the end of the regional Air Guitar contest.  Great fun!  At any rate, leaving around 9:30 (no connection with the club) I missed the height of the crowd which was really starting to  come in.  I am thankful I am on the 2nd floor and didn't have to wait for elevators!  My suggestion:  start with the 2nd floor and work up for veiwing if you come during busy hours!

Watching the Body Politics space and my own space next to that was pure unadulterated artistic joy.  People were engaged.  Body Politics pretty much stopped most in their tracks.  They looked.  They read.  They chalked on the wall and the torsos and left notes.  They read the "skinny jeans" which are piled atop of each other this year as we were not allowed space for a clothes line…didn't matter.  Viewers want to see "more" – and took the time to read through the layers.  What more could any artist want than that type of engagement? (and I had left our postcards at home – oh well, I'll bring them in on June 7).  I'll admit earlier in the evening, when folks were intrigued and studying Body Politics, fewer were stopping by my space.  But those that did read the "feel free to touch" sign and did so, they talked about pieces with their viewing mates, they took cards and brochures.  I didn't want to leave!  I had to make about 3 different starts before I finally got myself out of there.  It was AWESOME! and why I do ArtOMatic.  Reminder:  Meet the Artist Night on June 13 – I'll be there…late this time!  and you can also meet artists AND buy at the Marketplace vending days (again:  June 7, 14, 21, 28).

Here are some more Body Politics photos from opening night.

5.29 Fat is beautiful 5.29 No Boundaries 5.29 note Huge Smile 5.29 This Project Rocks 5.29 writing on the wall 1 5.29 writing on the wall 35.29 Hate My Body cropped thought for the day:  Having hated my body, or at least been at war with it for most of my life, I now know it isn't really my body (which is quite wonderful – it moves me around, it lets me think, it allows me to see beautiful (and horrible) vistas and hear music, etc).  Mostly what I hate at any given point is a circumstance where I find myself.  It has taken many (many many many…) years to realize that I alone have the power to change either my attitude or my circumstance or both.  Not to be too schmaltzy, I am glad I have lived long enough to wake up grateful for everything:  the good, the bad, the body that doesn't meet American cultural norms – even for a 61 one year old and I'm not really sure what that is other than I'm supposed to botox, lyposuction, diet, stretch myself back towards my 25 year old self – and the life that doesn't always work that way I think it should.  I am grateful because I get to do things like ArtOMatic and see that we can open spaces up for each other just by following our own hearts.  And we can open spaces up for ourselves (making my own art wherever that leads me).  This is true power.  And I like it!


  • I would prefer yoga over botox as an ideal – but it sort of makes me think of antacid commercials. You know how they show these people stuffing themselves with stuff they are complaining is going to make them ill to eat it – well HERE is the solution! Take this pill and eat crap! Anyway, I think of Botox like that.

    I have been on a good body path for almost ten years. It was a good stretch, but now I am questions so many things about what I believed and what is healthy and where I am heading. My face is sagging ever so slightly. I find my mind wondering what a tiny little facelift might do to make me look "rejuvinated." I want to grow old healthy and gracefully – but I don't want to look tired, haggard and dried up, ya know?

  • the blur is ok, these pictures are great, I can feel how this "pulled" people in, thanks for sharing. And bon courage for the show,and lots of success,

  • I always enjoy the photos from body politics and the ArtOMatic… bring em on!

  • and if one finds pilates and yoga boring, then what? One is weak, ill and not sexy?

  • Fuck botox and lipo. Pilates and yoga make one strong, healthy and sexy! ;^)

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