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Tam Tammy Vitale working on a piece that exploded in the kiln.

Today’s offering for Art Every day Month is a website.  Well, it isn’t a website yet.  It’s a blog with a page attached.  I want the page attached to be the home page but have yet to figure out how to do that.  I have a request for information in on how to and expect to get that all cleared up tomorrow.  That means for the most part I got everything set up today which is 3 days less than this blog took to get set up.  I’m smiling smugly.  I have advanced in the blog world.  This is good.  I say an affirmation to that effect and it is good to see it in operation.

The site is for my 2008 line of work, Sacred, and you can see it here. Scroll down the right hand side to Pages and click on that.  The page that comes up will be the home page shortly.  Yes, that took a good deal of the day.  And that’s OK.  It was on my list of things to do, and ta dah, it is done. 

Now I have to in earnest start the writing process for Sacred.  I am afraid I always start a bit stilted, so I have been browsing through my archives of started books (so many!) for language to set me off.  But I am now tired and think that will have to wait until the morning when I just might have to run out for coffee at the local coffee hole (not Starbucks in this instance), which also happens to be the local grocery where I can then finish my Thanksgiving shopping.  Two birds.  In the hand.  Not a bad day at all.

thought for the day.  In the mythology of a number of cultures, and in modern pagan feminist thought, the Goddess represents three phases of the female lifespan, which correspond to the lunar cycle.  The new moon is the virgin (maiden), the full moon is the sexually productive woman, usually described as either a mother or whore, and the old moon is the crone.   Goddess worshipers have given this three-fold manifestation the title of triple Goddess.  Each of her aspects serves a particular and separate need in society, and the possibility of invoking only one of them makes the Goddess more accessible and less complex.

The triple goddess exists in most cultures.  Each manifestation may itself have three aspects, so that the triplication of the Goddess is sometimes further magnified into six, nine, twelve, and so on, earning the goddess the description of the "one of a Thousand Names."  Celtic goddesses often appear in groups of three or nine, while the Norse warrior-maids, the Valkyries, appear in multiples of nine and their compatriots the Norns embody three-fold time as Past, Present and Future.


  • Love the vibrant red of your Sacred site – Sophia is beautiful – though just so you know, the photo was blank initially with one of those red X'x on it – but it did appear when I clicked on the X. I always wonder how my photos appear on other computers, so I thought I'd let you know. Best of luck with your new site – may the Internet gods and goddesses smile upon it!

  • I love your new web page. But I couldn't see the photo. I think my popup blocker blocked it.

    congratulations on going somewhere I have never been and may not ever reach! I can barely do the blog thing, and very inefficiently. I can't even imagine trying to set up a web page. and yet, we may have to do exactly that to market Jim's Windsor chairs.

    Happy Thanksgiving

  • Hi Tammy, I just love your humor.

    Your new homepage is great. I think that it is an excellent idea to create a new hp for your "SACRED" project. Your photo is good, in accordance with the things you talk about:)
    And: "Vive la triple déesse"

    Have a great day,

  • Looks great, Tammy. I really like the header graphic and your photo. Makes me want to switch to Typepad (almost–can't bear to think of how long a transfer from Google would actually take!). Will be waiting to read your content in '08!
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  • wonderful work, tammy! i'm so excited to see this develop!

    i know how exhausting web work can be, so give yourself a pat on the back! xoxo

  • OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh Tammy! When I read your new homepage, I got CHILLS! It looks fabulous. And I just read the previous post as well. (Just catching up) I am so proud of you! I am inspired by you, as well! I needed to be dealing with my fears today, too. So it was perfect. And I think I need to read that Pema Chodron book–haven't read that one.
    You go, girl!

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