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2d_kats_secret_1 Kat’s Secret18" x 24" acrylic on canvass by Tammy Vitale

Whew!  So did you make it through yesterday with flying colors?  Did Santa bring everything you wanted?  Are you all set to move into the New Year?

Yes, Yes, and Yes.

Daughter and Grandson stayed Christmas Eve and day and it was grand.  Santa came and brought more toys than any one little boy could ever hope for (or need, but that’s another discussion).  Husband was sick – he never gets sick but he was really sick; nevertheless, he made it through the day as a proper Poppy assembling toys along with Mommy (it took both of them) and even cooking dinner (which is what he does).

I’m listening to Lou Reed, Rock n Roll Animal as I type…I’ve always liked him but recently saw a UTube (which I can’t figure out how to connect to) that led me back to listening to him and Santa brought me two of his CDs (I was gonna type albums, then switched to tapes and then to CDs…age showing there).  I really like the song, Heroin and I really liked the UTube video someone had made to go along with it.

Am planning this week to look forward.  Maybe get in the studio (maybe.  Or maybe paint some more.  Or maybe both).  Answer the question:  What Do I Really Want?  (was reading last year’s…much stays the same, much accomplished already).  Think about jobs.  Add up savings.  See how far I can eek this out.  Think about selling the house and finding another one.  Think about:  What Do I Really Want?  Because if I really want it, it’s mine to have.  And technically (according to everything I read) I really shouldn’t have to worry about it.  Door open.  Magic occurs.  You make your claim and the Universe responds.  Which makes me soooooo nervous!  Trust the Process! (the rallying cry of students at Goddard, where I did my master’s work).  I try.  But then, I think, it isn’t a "trying" thing.  You either do or don’t.  So that’s the week I have ahead of me (with a sidetrack to go with Husband to mix The Hidden Hand at the Black Cat on Friday….my other world…rock n roll.  Probably why I’ve lost high end hearing – yes I have!).

I found my sould cards and broght them in from the shed.  I have three bookcases to put together and rearrange in my office (and they will NOT come down for selling if we decide to do that).  I think I may set up my own blog site just for soul cards (another todo this week?) like Taexalia.

And maybe or maybe not blog a lot this week….I’m on vacation….

Are you still thinking about donating $10 or so to CARE via The Web Women’s Giving Circle?  Did you know that $40 (just $40) can send a girl to school for a year?  Do you know what that means to a girl in Africa?  Think about it

thought for the day:  Peace, Love and Hope, lots and lots of Hope, in the New Year.


  • I do believe (having seen it happen – when I know what I want) that what we want from life, we get. The hard part for me is deciding what it is I really want…

    Glad you had a loving, fun Christmas – and that you found your soul collage cards. I love the concept of creating your own cards. I've seen others with their own blogs devoted to their soul collage cards. It would be great to see yours.

    Wishing you a happy New Year filled with whatever you really want for your life.

  • yes, you are right, once you ask for something, it is yours. just think positive thoughts about it and it shall come, it's the law of the universe…you should read books of Esther and Jerry Hicks; start with "Ask and it is Given." Awesome book!

    Sounds like you had a blessed Christmas and that's a good thing.
    I am happy for you!
    until next time,

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