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How do those words make you feel? 


Scared or worried?


Personal power comes from knowing yourself:  what are your passion’s priorities?  What of the pile in front of you feeds your passion’s priorities?  The rest is fluff.

Does THAT make you uneasy?  Are you uneasy because of other’s expectations?  because you have promised things you really don’t want to deliver?  because you have promised things you really do want to deliver but have filled your time up with other things?

Power is being conscious of the choices that are bombarding us at every single moment.  Choices about acting or reacting, feeling or shutting down, loving or hating.

Fear of making a choice is often based in some story that is running behind the either/or in front of you.  If you can bring that up to light, you have one less untamed ball of energy under the table where you can’t see it and don’t know it so can’t integrate it or let it go as needs be done.

Dr. Johnnetta Betsch Cole, in a commencement speak to my Alma Mater, Trinity Washington University, said:

First, be bodacous.  you must speak up and speak out on what is important to you as women and what is important in the world.  One of my sheroes, Audre Lorde, once said: ‘Silence and invisibility go hand in hand with powerlessness.’  Another shero, Alice Walker, has said this:  ‘No person is a friend who demands your silence.’

Secondly, women leaders must be revolutionaires…A revolutionary is someone who believes that things can change and she works to bring about that change…

Thirdly, women leaders must be of service to others…

Fouth and finally, a woman leader for such a time as this [the time we are in now] must respect and celebrate human diversity….and think and act in an inclusive way.

Step into your Power.  The world needs you and is waiting. 

Wylde Women’s Wisdom

If you don’t like the way the world is [or the way your life is], change it.  You just have to do it one step at a time.  Marian Wright Edelman


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