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Spunky Gals, Bold Dames, Audacious Wylde Women, Brash Crones: Creating What You Crave

Detail of ceramic Tree Sprite, by Tammy Vitale:  I Am Enough
Detail of ceramic Tree Sprite, by Tammy Vitale: I Am Enough

Spunky:  courageous and determined

Bold: not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff; courageous and daring

Audacious:  showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks

Brash: strong, energetic, or irreverent.


What adjectives do you use to define yourself?  And what noun?

What community do you belong to that supports that naming?

If you haven’t named yourself yet, please do.  And hold a naming ceremony to celebrate speaking who you are in this world outloud.  Consider letting it be something sacred that only you and your community know – something that takes you home to yourself when you feel like you’ve lost your way.

Don’t we all?  I do – regularly it seems.  So much so that I am starting, finally, to feel very comfortable whenever I get lost – it just means I’m on a journey of discovery and having not been yet to where ever it is I’m going, I get to be surprised!  Sometimes I like that.  A lot of times I don’t.  Doesn’t seem to matter – off I go again!2d map which way home

My special name came to me during a reiki session.  It is Red Rock Walker.  I see vast dry country, high red rocks and me on a dusty path between them – this before I’d ever been to Sedona in Arizona ( which, by the way, has an amazing water and forest canyon approach from the North – I could definitely live there!).  Odd since I love the coasts, the oceans and giant trees and ferns.  Desert and arid land has always been fun to visit but no where I’d want to live.  I just figure I haven’t yet grown into my name.

Only when you can name who you are, and how you plan to be in this world, can you get to the heart task of creating what you crave – you haven’t found it yet, right?  That means it’s up to you.

Pay attention.  Others are waiting to hear your (one and only, unique) story.

And no matter the question, moving from this space, the answer is not only “yes”, it is HELL YES!!!!!

2D Found My Way HomeWylde Women’s Wisdom

The heart knows.  There’s nothing to choose.  Just something to set loose….The vagueness will clear when you decide to embrace whatever you hear…You came with instincts and imperatives and they will thrust through the mud and bud in their own glad season.  It’s not your answers or ideas that you need to worry about.  It’s your resistance to your ideas, any immediate reaction to choke the strange and uncomfortable…the heart always knows.  You have everything you need.  Tama Kieves This Time I Dance 

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