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Jewelry_free_bracelet Free beads, bracelet started at Tricia Darrow’s show at Artspace at MAC (formerly Heron’s Way Gallery, which has moved), where she put out many beads and invited all to play.  My stretchy string broke so I brought the beads home to put on regular wire.

Saturday was 2nd Saturday and also Tricia Darrow’s opening for her month long featured work at Artspace at Mac.  I spent a goodly portion of my day there visiting with customers and artists and having a great time.  I took some pictures of Tricia’s work – the blurred one has the abalone and pearl necklace that inspired mine.  Wouldn’t you know that would be the one picture that blurred?!  But I’m including it anyways.  Perhaps if you look carefully (upper right hand corner) you can make it out.

Friday was 1st Friday at the New Heron’s Way Gallery space, so that’s where I was Friday all evening; Saturday evening after 2nd Saturday was a visit to Port of Call Liquors annual holiday party with lots of wine tasting and great food and of course 15% off everything (so I stocked up per Husband’s instructions), and Sunday was the holiday part at New Moon, where there was more artists and friends to visit and hang out with all day.  Sunday was also Grandson’s day at the house but I figured he’d be perfectly happy since Poppy was available.  Well, I got done sooner than anticipated so was able to join Daughter, her Smittee (as in twitterpatted), Husband and grandson for dinner at Kingfisher’s on Solomons Island.  When Grandson saw me he was delighted.  I got more hugs and kisses than I’ve ever gotten from him.  So all in all the weekend was absolutely grand.

Today I said to myself that I would get into the studio and mix that cone 6 glaze that I need to glaze my outdoors heron.  Glazing isn’t my favorite.  Mixing glazes that have settled is probably my least favorite thing to do.  So instead I raked more leaves, got the dogs’ tonails cut, and started moving things around in Daughter’s old room (which, after all, IS on my todo list).  We got the bed down, and that’s one of the biggest things.  Now the bed will go to the shed and I will have to find places for everything that was living under it, and will be able to get at the closet which is another chore.  Oh!  and I cleaned the hall closet and my jewelry shelf.  All that just to keep from getting in the studio.  So first thing tomorrow it’s into the studio I go.  No quibbling.

Here’s Tricia’s work:

Herons_tricia_07_tricia Herons_tricia_dec_07_favorite_neckl Herons_tricia_dec_07_necklaces_1 Herons_tricia_dec_07_necklaces_2 Herons_tricia_dec_07_necklaces_with

thought for the day:  You become most powerful in whatever you do if the action is performed for its own sake rather than as a means to protect, enhance, or conform to your role identity.  Every role is a fictitious sense of self, and through it everything becomes personalized and thus corrupted and distorted by the mind-made "little me" and whatever role is happens to be playing.  Most of the people who are in positions of power in this world, such as politicians, TV personalities, business as well as religious leaders, are completely identified with their ole, with a few notable exceptions.  They may be considered VIPs but they are not more than unconscious players in the egoic game, a game that looks so important yet is ultimately devoid of true purpose…those who do not attempt to appear more than they are but are simply themselves, stand out as remarkable… Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth:  Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose.


  • You amaze me – you are even efficient when you're procrastinating! lol
    All too often my procrastinating ends up with having found a lot of new websites or blogs. You're inspiring me to new heights of procrastination 😉
    Glad you had such a good weekend. Especially all the lovin' – there's nothing sweeter than being smothered with hugs and kisses from a grandchild. What a grand moment!
    Love the necklace – and the quote — thanks for that.~xo

  • Dear Tammy, your bracelet is absolutely wonderful. I particularly love the round beads which look like made of stone, marble, and the white ones. Very beatufilly arranged.
    You made me laugh with the description or your activities = productive procrastination:).
    The thought for the day is so true and deserves to be pondered over.
    Good luck with the glaze!

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