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Woman_dancing_mounted_on_driftwood Woman Dancing on Driftwood, hand and slab made ceramic wall sculpture mounted on driftwood, 22"t x 6.5"w, $95.00 by Tammy Vitale

Production time in studio.  Work coming out by the basket load – need to go buy new storage containers.  Getting ready for fall shows and new shops (I have a vision of 5 new shops). 

Heard from A Step Above in Berlin MD that they are moving from upstairs over an antique store to a street level shop sometime in the near future.  Owner (and I) believe that will make a difference in sales.  I got a small check from them this month – nice since I haven’t heard from them in a while, or changed work out in over a year.  I keep asking, he keeps saying what he has is fine (it’s a big space and he moves work around a lot, and I know that moving work is often as good as putting new work in).

Started finishing 3 masks that came out of the kiln last night.  Must go back and make sure everything has a hanger since Tiane at Body in Balance picked up work and even though I check almost everything, the one thing I didn’t check didn’t have a back hanger; now we have to get back together and fix that.

Here are some of my new prose tiles.  These measure 4" x 6" and sell for $22.

Prose_tile_go_girl Prose_tile_be_the_change Prose_tile_connected

The only ones of the prose and the word tiles that I have to show are finished with stain and metallics.  The glazed ones are already out at Heron’s Way Gallery to fill in sold spots there and I didn’t take pictures of them yet (but you can see the screen and double click to enlarge and get a pretty good picture of them at the bottom of this post).

Here are some word tiles, which are morphing in that they don’t have a single word and the goddess tiles don’t have any words at all.  These sell for $18 and measure 3" x 5"

Word_tile_2_goddess_tiles_no_words Word_tile_good_friends Word_tile_connected

And on top of all this studio work, yesterday, a part-time job day, I cleaned the office and my email inbox and took the stacks of papers everywhere and filed them and now I can find everything.  I even put the part-time job folders, which are growing, on a shelf.  They were living on the floor with an old pair of sneakers for bookends.  Needless to say, they were always sliding over and down and then the dogs would lay on them.  So now I’m much more professional.  Rearranged the bookcase so I could file things in trays more easily and keep things in view (which I need because I’m visual, which is why the piles start in the first place, but then I can’t see anything because I have these foot tall wobbly stacks of things that fall over at the least provocation).

Here’s a last picture for this post, 3 Women Dancing, mounted on a driftwood basket top, they measure 17.5"w x 15"t and sell for $145.Woman_dancing_3_on_basket_top

Just look at all the things I have to be grateful for!

thought for the day:  Gratitude focuses your attention.  For this reason, it affects what you see and how you move.  Energy follows attention.  This law proves itself over and over, and it applies to the practicie of Gratitude as well.  [why don’t they teach this stuff in school?]  Victoria Castle, The Trance of Scarcity


  • That was supposed to be "I love the thought" – though I'm sure you probably already knew that – is there an emoticon for sheepishly slinking away? lol

  • Wow – all of these are so cool – but I love the new prose tiles, especially. Your productivity never ceases to amaze me.
    And the 'stacks as files' thing – we have that problem here, too. Though I the thought of the sneaker bookends makes me smile 🙂
    More often than not, we have stacks of books as bookends, lol.

  • Penny

    I love all of your work — but really love the 'woman dancing on driftwood'. Beautiful!

  • Tammy , to quote one of your Prose Tiles: "You GO Girl!"


    Impressed of Devon!


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