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1.1 discovery list  Discovery Listwhat would formerlly have been called a todo list…very linear and neatly printed in black ink on white paper.  But 2009 is different.  I now make discovery lists and let my child use crayons (and playfully as suggested by Leah at Creative Every Day's word for the month)…let's see if we can't balance that old left/right brain thing.

I have been rethinking blogging.  I know I started as a journal.  Then I thought:  everyone is using them for business.  Make it business.  And for a while I kept a journal over at Myspace.  But two blogs a day is a lot, even for a work at homer and that was 3 years ago.  Lately trying to do all the "right" things for my art work including getting out there and reading and visiting and commenting has become overwhelming.  This year I want to discover (my word, don't forget) what simplicity looks like with reference to my art.  And to disconnect my art from earning income (and boy, given my financial situation, is that an adventure waiting to be discovered!).  And to throw away the "should's" I find everywhere on getting your art out there.  I wish to only do new things and/or to repeat only things which are bringing positive energy into my life.

I realize I spent way too much time last year pouting over what wasn't working:  the economy; my art career.   And to continue that into this year would be such a waste of time.  I also discovered that I really haven't been doing the work I need to do to break out of the box.  I have been repeating things that should work (and aren't or not well enough) and being depressed about the not working part.  And you know what?  Life's just too short.

So I'm journaling again and I hope that sharing some of that here, which will be a rereading of handwritten free thought, will help implant all of it into my subconscious and move me right on down the line.  Because I'm ready to discover what's next.  Enthusiastic, scared, still a bit cynical.  And then synchronicity drops in and I can't ignore the message anymore:

I was over at Heron's Way Gallery today switching new work in and talking with owners Mary Ida and Rose about some of the insights I'm gaining through journaling and focusing on the work of discovering something new and outside the box.  Then I came home to a blog subsciption in my inbox, Ancient Artist: Creating an Art Career After 50.  And darn if she wasn't talking about the same thing.  Putting on my organizer hat I can say with a great deal of confidence that when the same topic starts cropping up in independent spaces, it's a sign that a certain wind is blowing and beginning to gather like minded folks (and isn't it great to know that change is indeed coming and that yes, indeed, we all can take part in it in so many ways right now). Sue Smith, the blogger says:  "Am I leaving an empty year, filled with closing galleries, slowing sales, enthusiasm for work but with few sales? Am I staring into an empty year, filled with real economic sacrifice and uncertainty?  Or do I see the empty room as one that is open to a wealth of possiblilty?  Filled with new choices, new work, and new opportunity?….what I know is that I do have control over how I experience the future….We have a choice.  Live on Purpose."  Which adage, "Live on Purpose" my son then called to tell me he had just had an insight about the true meaning (which had escaped him before a conversation he had this a.m.).  I don't need to be hit over a head with rocks.

From yesterday's journal, a short excerpt:  Articulate 60 day goal and include feeling state:

Making a personal financial plan tells me concretely where I am – how much I actually need to earn for the next 18 months (til, hopefully SS kicks in).  It makes me feel in control of my choices over the next 18 months and I am empowered with the knowledge of what I must do to take care of myself.  I gain security, self confidance, self-reliance, personal power and let go of cynicism and jealousy which disempower me.  In the process I research and learn persistance on my own behalf (self-reliance – I am worth it).  I learn how to create time and space to take care of my need to be financially secure.  I drop the undercurrant of stressing over taking care of myself forever to just the next 18 months when SS kicks in.  I learn to trust, really trust, my ability to do whatever is necessary, discover new resources and think outside th box to fulfill my need for security and independence.  i learn I can do ti for myself, not just for others (and get rid of the belief I must care for othres first in order to be worthy of love.  I am already worthy firest and formost of self love).  Others benefit because I am no longer negative, cynical or jealous.  This imporves my energy contribution to the all.  I also serve as a role model of how to be a successful person as well as an artist.

(that's 1 of 5 top feeling states I wish to create for myself this year).  And I worked on the financial plan already.  It is a bit scarey.  But there is a ton of room for magic to happen here…discovering magic is definitely high on my light of priorities this year.

And into my inbox today Molly Gordon's newsletter:  "Now, finances.  Start with the pemise that there is plenty."  she also encourages play…actually my favorite game (make your own rules):  "Remember when you were small and you would make up the rules to a game as it went along?…It just didn't make sense to let the rules determine the game…Knowing that the game can change at any moment, define it now in the best, most joyous, most creative terms you can imagine."  Yes!

thought for the day:  Either we are in the universe to inhabit the lovely eternity of our souls and grow real, or else we might as well dedicate our days to shopping and kill time watching talk shows.  John O'Donohue, Eternal Echoes:  Celtic Reflections on Our Yearning to Belong


  • Tammy, this is such a great post, thank you for sharing your thoughts on your work, your life and career. I can so relate to these things, struggling myself here to get a "foot" down as an independant artist. I now try to be cool about the "business" thing, getting it done, ok, but not letting myself stress out by this. And as you said, it is so important to be open to new things in our creative path, to let these things come up, to be relaxed so that they can find their way into our art…Your journal looks like the right way to do that,
    Have a wonderful day

  • What a great post, Tammy! I love the energy you're exuding here. (((love and hugs)))

  • Here is another Me too-er… I had just been over to ancient artist earlier this week; asking her the same thing. What to do with the blog? What to do when we have this much experience under our belts and having to chose one type of art to "represent" without creating a hodgepodge on the page appearing as if there is no direction? Three days ago I started photo a day; but only went two days as I wish to remove photos from my blog and move them to a second, more minor page, which template like is easier said then done. Consequently I missed day three of photo a day as it was taking too much time; the photos, the quotes, the promotion of other sites… sigh; I do not have the magic bullet.

  • It sounds like you are already experiencing the application of your word for the year and discovering how to make our life work for you.

    I also discovered that I was spending too much time on the computer and not enough time at other stuff. I have A facebook account which I think I am going to delete. It serves no useful purpose that I can divine, other than having another way to waste time. I have a Google account because it makes it easier to post comments on all those people who are using Blogspot; I never actually go there.

    So far, I have found time to play with some paper during my break from massage work (and expeditions to find items I shall not mention because I really don't want to make you jealous!), and posted a couple of the resulting cards on my blog.

    I have a large quantity of that white faced hornet paper that is featured on those pieces, and if there is anyone who would like some of it, they should leave me a comment and I will arrange to send them some. So of course the first thing that has to happen is that people who are artists in paper should go visit my blog so they can see what I am talking about. . .

  • Perfect timing for the perfect post! Today I drew up a sample schedule of what my day could (should?) look like for 2009, and I included at least 1 hour/day for the sole purpose of playing/journaling. With my gallery show coming up this summer, I had already decided to create whatever came to mind, whatever gave me enjoyment, and most importantly I had to enjoy the process, and if the finished piece made me happy (versus worrying if someone will like it enough to buy it) I would consider that a success. I've also had to rethink last years goals/failures/successes and like you, had already decided that it's got to be wide open this year to play, and just let it happen-whatever "it" is.

  • Thanks for showing your artist book! Long Live Pugs!
    I never thought to use crayons– I love them!

  • so cool! I never thought of using crayons–I have a whole brand new pack from a couple of years ago. Thanks for posting my blog! Long Live Pugs!

  • Sometimes great intentions need some time in incubate in our mental soup. I agree with Steve. A lot of people are feeling positive for 2009. If we can all focus on it, imagine how we can change the world, make it more soular powered! ( I like that! I need to use that on my blog!) 🙂

  • Love the playfulness of your first two journal pages.

  • I am amazed how many of us feel this strong positive energy going into 2009 – despite all the uncertainty and the clouds of economic downturn. And I'm amazed at how many of us feel like we're on the verge of a breakthrough with our art. It's going to happen.

  • That was a great post. I am moving through some of the same things right now.
    I found your blog at the Creative Everyday site. I'll come back again.

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