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Possibilities are 6″ x 4″ tiles, individually hand-made, never any 2 exactly alike!  They are sweet reminders of how you want to live your life – little prods towards serenity.  This batch is the finish of an order for Clay Hands in Arizona (anyone live around Tubac?  Hop in and say “hi” for me!). 

I am celebrating 28 days of Art Every Day Month – and the fact that I have managed to create and write about it every day (defining creativity as hostess Leah does – very broadly).  This is the 3rd year I’ve managed to do this every day, and each year is a reminder of what creativity is and can be, as well as what I am capable of when I set my intention.  That intention guides me in my daily choices:  if I am to create and post daily, I must forego some things that don’t matter anyways.  I get to be very clear about what I want in my life and what can be let go.  It is a lovely exercise, full of Possibilities!

Wylde Womens Wisdom

A lot of patients complain of fatigue, but when we do all the tests, everything is normal.  So I take the time to ask them, “What’s your passion in life?”  If somebody has had fatigue for years, and they’ve tried this and that drug, and none of them has worked, it’s important to ask why they feel they are here.  Once people discover their purpose they have more energy and don’t need pills to cope with despair.  Pamela Wible, M.D.


  • virginia abraham

    Hi Tammy, I am amazed at how prolific you are!…I see you like John o’Donohue; He is my lamp.
    I am trying to put into action all your wisdom for art every day,so with good friends in place I am able to explore in the knowledge I am not alone. Thank you.

  • I love–when you talk to yourself, be nice! Love-love-love it! I need that reminder by my desk! 🙂

    This is the first year I have done AEDM. I surprised myself and have kept up. It is a challenge and you do have to let other things go some days, but it has been great fun! And I’ve gotten to connect with people like you! :):)

  • so glad to have found you through AEDM and it has been such a great experience getting to discover and explore your work and thoughts… a real joy xx

  • These are great Tammy…
    i love the “when you talk to yourself, be nice”. 🙂
    I’m glad we met (via AEDM).
    Your work is lovely…

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