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Prose_tile_be_the_changeProse Tile:  Be the Change, 4" x 6", clay wall schulpture, slab made, hand stamped, by Tammy Vitale $22

[I have no idea why that is showing link color – there is no link there and it happened when my picture erased itself, so I went and got another picture.  Myster]

Help Wanted

Need someone to research/call galleries and collect information for me.  I will supply the leads (you can add your own if you’re inclined).  I want the shops set up in excel (as a whole) and each also on a single page (I’ll design).  Can be done from home/telecommuting.  Pay per shop info completed…barter.  Your work for my sculpture – any that I currently have available that you complete the work to afford.  Reply to:  belletamaam@hotmail.com.

This is not a joke.  I am serious.  I need some help.  I want to have 35 shops by the end of next year, and that means getting information from about 300 shops (and 10% success rate might be high).  So if you’re interested, or you know anyone else who might be interested, let me know.  It will give you the opportunity to call shops and talk business for someone else (while getting information for yourself, too) and that’s always easier than doing it for yourself.  And it will give you the opportunity to earn that piece of my work that you’ve been thinking about for a while.

Help Wanted

Yes!  a 2nd help wanted ad!  I want someone to hand address postcards for me from time to time, using my customer list.  This could be paid per project or paid in barter – your choice.  My plan is to start contacting my client base every 4 – 6 weeks.  I have never done this so am not sure how I will work the design and payment for the postcards into my schedule (I have 2 pkgs of 100 postcards each here right now), hence the time span.

Please pass this post along to your friends and help me find help!

Oh – and visiting other blogs pays!  I won a great print from Brenda Marks who held a virtual opening for her show, offering a free print to whomever was drawn from her hat from those who left her a comment the night of her actual opening (garnering her yet more good vibes – sure can’t hurt).  And I won! WooHoo!

Here’s a link for any of you who have kids thinking about college and want to start checking out College Student Housing.

Here’s a great newly discovered blog, Sacred Circle Mandalas, with some absolutely amazing artwork and great photoshop tutorials (free, free, free!  I swear one day I’m going to learn this stuff).

Today we continue to celebrate Husband’s birthday with Daughter and Grandson and lunch out at Ledo’s Pizza, Husband’s favorite.

thought for the day:  The world displays perfect neutrality on whether we achieve any outward manifestation of our inner desires.  But not art.  Art is exquisitely responsive.  Nowhere is feedback so absolute as in the making of art.  The work we make, even if unnoticed and undesired by the world, vibrates in perfect harmony to everything we put into it – or withhold from it.  In the outside world there may b no reaction to what we do; in our artwork there is nothing but reaction.  The breathtakingly wonderful thing about this reaction is its truthfulness.  Look at your work and it tells you how it is when you hold back or when you embrace…when you hesitate, it stands there staring, hands in its pockets.  But when you commit, it comes on like blazes.  David Bayles and Ted Orland, Art & Fear:  Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking


  • sorry can't help you with the other… but your title is showing as a link because the url attached to the image/jpg is left open. You need to close it with a "" or "" (take out the .'s as your type pad will probably not let me show the html tags)

  • Hi Tammy, although I have trouble keeping pace with the worlds spinning and commenting on the blogs I wanted to tell you that this is a nice thought for the evening (it is 19h33 here). We are luck that this happens without us being aware of it. I find it funny to look at the last weeks work from this perspective:)
    I love the prose tile!
    Take care

  • *wondering if I could do either of those jobs from Indiana*

    Interesting thought for the day… and so true. I'm pretty sure the green box I started at home is unsatisfied with himself… I threw minimum effort into him, and every time I see the box, I feel him telling me he deserves more. Poor box. Maybe some nice exotic stamps will help.

  • wow, i just came back and read the thought for the day that you posted. and wow again. "art is exquisitely responsive." yes indeedy. thanks for sharing this with us all…
    ~sue o'kieffe

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