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Finding Water – Week 2 Walk: Annmarie Garden, Solomons MD

If YouTube will kindly upload the muvee that has taken me 3 hours and 8 attempts (it kept freezing and every time it froze I had to start over.  Do I need to say this was an exercise in patience?), I will be happy to share it with you here.  YouTube is taking its own sweet time tonight.

What I am learning from taking walks and taking my camera with me:  to see with new eyes. 

Annmarie Garden is where one of my shows is this weekend (you will see my art toward the end).  It is 5 minutes from home.  It is beautiful in its own way (I didn’t take any picture of where they are, um, rearranging the landscape with very large yellow tractors and other machinery), and I seldom take advantage of it.

In the past they didn’t have all this Smithsonian art, they had a contest every year and had art you could touch…without cameras watching your every move and without a chain link fence around the whole property – you could actually get down to the water that borders the garden.  That was then.  They have, um, hmmm, "upgraded."  No you can’t touch.  And many trees have come down.  Still, it has its own beauty and this walk taught me to start looking for it.  I hope you enjoy this.

Check in:  morning pages every day.  Artist’s date:  to the Bead Boutique for a day of necklace making.  I suppose today counts too:  art, art and more art.

Walk.  Check.

Keeping up with reading other folks’ blogs.  Not so good.


  • The garden has SECURITY CAMERAS????? That's bizarre.

    And no touching??? My inner ADHD child would absolutely through a FIT if she heard that. Especially since the scultpures look so touchable.

    I hope they "downgrade" again lol

    But it DOES still look like a very cool place!

  • what a fun garden to take a stroll in with a camera!

  • Tammy..Do you have Peter Kings book Architectural Ceramics? He did the gates at Annemarie Garden..which you probably know. I can't even imagine having that kind of space to create big things in. I have always wanted a tea house in the yard, as a retreat, studio, and afternoon trysting spot.

  • Awesome video… definitely worth your efforts, as usual!!

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