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Roses - 24th anniversary  Happy 24th Anniversary to us and Happy Valentine's Day to me – Have I ever mentioned that I have the BEST Husband ever?!

Trauma this morning:  having our septics pumped like good little Chesapeake Bay property owners and find we have to replace the lid on the one at the cottage.  Someone somewhere knows I got a tax refund.

So I have no spiffy title for this post (and don't you know that all the business folks say you must have spiffy titles for your posts)(um, is this a business blog?  I don't know that I've ever figured that out).

And not a whole lote else to say except the class at Vitrum Studios this weekend was Awesome!  I was told I have the basic bead down, and I quote:  "Perfectly!"  So below are all the beads and my perfect beads, and some pinkish and white bumpy beads I made for daughter – her colors, and a torso I made from an imperfect bead that I would have had to work on lots longer to get to round up.

We were using torches not burners, and they are much slower, which is good because it gave me time to see what was happening with the glass and pick up on what I was doing wrong with my bead ends.  And see some different way to make bead ends on big beads (cut them off and polish – very nice if you're close to a studio that has the equipment).  Bought 35 rods to play with.  Will need more oxygen by the end of the week.  And now we need a lid on our septic. 

But I had a dream that the cottage is going to sell "any day now – the signs are all right."  That's what the dream said.  And in my world that is what is going to happen.

Class 2.09 all the beads  Class 2.09 the perfect beads

Class 2.09 the pink bumpy beads  Class 2.09 the torso bead (if the pink bumpy beads down't show up – double click – that makes them work).

thought for the day:  How we Inhabit and orient ourselves allows for an open, flowing state of being or, conversely, for a contracted, stuck state of being.  Contracted is cumpled and tight, squeezed down, tense and armored.  Open is at ease and relaxed, comfortable and spacious.  When I contract or close down, I also separate myself.  I move out and away from the very fow of life.  In this condition, I begin to miss out on even the most obvious possibilities, ignoring a great deal of what's happening around me.  when I expand or open, however, I come back into the Circle, merging with infinite possibility, and once again I become receptive to the flow.  Victoria Castle "The Trance Of Scarcity:  Hey! Stop Holding your Breath and Start Living Your Life"


  • Tammy,
    I have a question: Would you eventually part with the brown venus-bead? Let me know your price?
    I just love it and can imagine it as a totem on a leather string around my neck:)

    PS I have a website now : http://andreadepalacio.com
    come and take a look
    I send you lots of energy for this week
    and hugs

  • happy anni! we just had our 36th, believe it or not! 😉

    your beads, and I love the torso bead, are very cool…

  • Happy anniversary! Ted and I had our 25th in October. When it works, things just get better, deeper, truer; don 't you think?

  • I really like the little torso bead. Maybe I'm just stuck on torsos. I'm too tired to comment at any length, you should see what Jim and I have accomplished in the last week! I have it documented over on the blog. Now all I need to do is manifest some money so I can afford to get the plants I want for the new gardens we have created.

    I'm starting to think that making beads is a lot less physically exhausting than making gardens. Sorry about your septic tank lid. Hope you get money enough for both lid and oxygen soon.

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