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original crayon and ink drawing of a woman on paper
Untitled. Original crayon and ink drawing by Tammy Vitale

If ever I needed wisdom, it is now.  Between my personal life’s current train wreck and the train wreck that is the status of the divided states of America, I can’t seem to find a path forward.

Since I sold my clay studio, making 3D isn’t the answer.  Making vision journal pages might be if I could focus.  Can’t focus.  Except writing.  Taking classes through Writer’s Village – $99/year for all the classes I want and they are good.

So I am writing and it got me to thinking why not blogging again.  That once helped me stay on an even keel (sorry for the mixed metaphors, but go with me here).  And I have 366 pieces of wisdom from the days I did the daily Wylde Women’s Wisdom mailer.

So let’s see if I can keep this in focus and start wandering through those quotes.  And maybe even find some new ones given all the books I’ve read since I put these together.

Wylde Women’s Wisdom

How might your life have been different if there had been a place of Women where you could go for help with your fatigue and your limitations. A place of Women who could help you to learn to light a candle and to wait… Judith Duerk

I can’t remember if that comes from her book “Circle of Stones” or “I Sit Listening to the Wind“, both are good.

This makes me think back on my earlier years, and realize that even now there is no “place of Women” I can go when I’m running low on everything:  trust, love, energy.  But I do have candles, and so today I will light a candle for myself, and create my own space until what I need comes to me.  I know that I have the answer.  I just have to be quiet and listen.

Maybe I’ll go collect some stones and make them into a circle where I can sit with my candle.

Once, when my son was a young teen and we were having problems I took him to Ocean City.  At night, under a half moon, we made a circle and then dug a depression in the sand (it was windy) to put our candle.  We released everything that night to the candle light and wind.  On some level, small rituals of recognition really do help.

How might your life be different, now, if you make the space to light a candle and listen to your heart?



  • I never had women to count on growing up but have appreciated the ones who I’ve had as friends over the decades. I had one BFF for about 25 years who really, really got me to the bone. We were totally there for each other even after I moved away. She died a few years ago and I miss her still. I have quite a few other friends, but no others on such a soul level as I had with Ruby. She knows I miss her. I’ll light a candle. 🙂

  • Jacqualine Marie Baxman

    So happy to see a post from you.

    Every one of us has a bad day, a stream of those days usually. Finding that space for light is what we need to do. And wouldn’t it be amazing if there was a space where women could come together. Thank you for sharing this. It’s such a good reminder of the need to ride out the ebb and flow of our lives and pause to reflect.

    I’m so glad we are connected.

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