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Aom09.6 Bill Remington Brainstorm Bill Remington's Brain Storm.

I met Bill and became familiar with his work through a mutual artists friend, Dhyana MacKenzie.  I am drawn to this picture because of the "storm" and all the things you can find there.  Bill's realism is mixed with a kind of energy that almost seems spiritual to me; and of course there are the stories waiting to sping themselves out to anyone who take the time to look and commune.

Bill himself is an absolute delight.  But I'll let you see that for yourself.  Here's his interview:

How many AOMs have you done, and if more than one, what keeps you coming back?


This is my 2nd time at AOM. The first was in 2007.  There are many reasons for wanting to come back, but primarily I like consorting with others of my type of madness. 


Where can one find you this year?


6th floor, 02.


How did you choose what to show at AOM?


Given the opportunity to cover a lot of space I tend to run with it.  At the last AOM I was in I included a lot of conventional work along with my much more edgier styles. Some of both styles were old work and some were new. I like to interest people of different tastes and attitudes.  This year I stuck with things I have been up to recently, most of which is not so conventional I guess.


How long have you been making art?  What do you do when/if you hit a slump?


My parents like to tell the story about how before I could talk very coherently,  if I wanted something, and they couldn’t understand me, they would have me draw it because I was always drawing.  One day I seemed to be asking for a “thing”. My parents assumed I just didn’t know the name for it so they had me draw it. I drew one line. They finally figured out I wanted a “string”. So yeah, apparently I have been confusing the crap out of people with my art for a pretty long time now.


I never really hit a slump.  If I have time to work I have plenty to work on.  The only things that used to hold me upwere a lack of faith in what I was doing, but I don’t have that anymore. 


Who are your favorite artists and what inspiration do you draw from them?


One doesn’t have to look very far without figuring out my absolute favorite is Picasso.  What inspiration I most draw from him is his relentless confidence in his own vision.  Other than that it is difficult to pick any favorites, but my most recent artist-inspiration comes from Ron English. I tend to be drawn to people who are extremely eclectic.


Have you had a chance to look around AOM yet this year?  Do you have instant favorites?  Any returning favorites?


Speaking of eclecticism: Jared Davis is always a gas! We both went to






back in ’99 and re-met at the ’07 AOM to find our stylistic interests had somewhat paralleled.  But there are tons of great people in this show, some of whom I have never seen their work except online.  Jeanette Herrera has SICK technique! Sean Welker AOM Bill Remington Misfit Myth is brilliant! Jennifer Beinhacker is visionary! Danny Jean-Jacques, Krissy (who goes by Quissy in Artdc.org, but whose last name escapes me right now cuz I am old and senile) and Michael Auger have just GOT IT Period!  The guy on the wall beside mine, whose name I don’t know and whom I have not yet met, does some SICK academic work, absolutely beautiful! I am also drawn to a sort of mysticism that I get out of Tammy Vitale and others there whose names I have not yet got. I know I am leaving important ones out too. ("Misfit Myth" to the right from ArtOMatic 08)


Where else can we see your work?


I tend to put stuff in at M.O.C.A. in


.  I have nothing against juried shows but my work tends to have a rough side to it that has a hard time finding a suitably open-minded venue.  Dave Quamann is an exceptionally generous and under-rated guy who has helped a lot of people get on their feet.  He also puts on a good party/opening.  There is a real down-to-earth feel you get at his openings where everybody is “cool” and nobody feels like an outcast. Besides that, I tend to sell work there too.


Anything else you would like to add about yourself, your work, art in general?


("Troll" ArtOMatic 08 below)  AOM Bill Remington Troll oil on Board In the last 2 to 3 years I have really come to realize what it is I was/am doing with my work (as an artist).  Primarily this is because it has taken about 10 yrs of therapy and medication to understand that chronic depression is a treatable illness, not a weakness that one just has to man-up and get over.  In a way it is kind of too bad that it has taken so long, however, I am happy to be the poster-boy for any young person who feels they need help and are afraid or ashamed to get it.  Take it from me, you will never regret getting help, and NOW is the time! Especially if you are an artist, you will need all the fire and fiery and, in particular, Joy you can muster to face the mediocrity of the masses with your madness.  And if that isn’t enough purple prose and alliteration for you, I give up!




  • i really like the troll art. i think i know that seven toed troll.

    (I was researching "how to hang art at a festival" and then remembered your artomatic…. and thought why reinvent the wheel. Any tips here on your site?)

  • hi tammy, it seems you have been VERY busy!!! I've been reading your blog for an hour, going off and seeing some of the websites of these awesome artists, just enjoying everything you have offered here…thanks for sharing so much of the experience as well as your favorites….it was inspiring, enlightening and just plain fun to feel like I was there just a little bit and the artists , well, what can I say…it was great to read your interviews with them…and your wall was amazing!!! you are an amazingly gifted woman and I wish I had some money for one of those body casts now that my back is falling apart…I need a visual and I can't seem to get it done with paint alone…wishing I lived near you! 🙂 !!! I would have you do my back and then I could paint it…isn't that a great idea?

    how did you do at the show? I don't think I found that as I read. were there many buyers or mostly lookers, as you feared?


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