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Almost didn’t post, and then realized that what I did today that was creative was wrestle with software and programs and put together a mailing for Thanksgiving for something called “farming” in the real estate business.  Farming means focusing on a specific area with direct mail (in this instance a postcard).  It takes time if you haven’t decided on an area.  I did choose one good area last month and mailed to that but wanted to change my focus from the 2nd area.  This required researching a new area.  Then I had to remember how to put it all together.

real estate note book (cheat sheets for creating drip campaigns, working on my website)
real estate note book (cheat sheets for creating drip campaigns, working on my website)

I work for EXIT realty (EXIT By the Bay is my Broker’s franchise), and they have excellent materials for doing all of this, although it took me two phone calls to make it work because I am not the most intuitive user of new software.  The people on the other end of the line were patient and very helpful and I got that put together and ready to go.  I supply addresses, the print the cards with all my information and send them out the door.  I pay.  And with one lead that pans out, I will have not only the two mailings I have done so far covered but lots more!  So it IS worth the effort.  But all that learning curve wore me out.

front and back of postcard
front and back of postcard

That is creativity:  learning.  Figuring out what it is that you have to do to get exactly where it is you are trying to go.

So I was creative.  I recorded all of it so I can easily duplicate it next go round, and I put it in a book I am creating to keep all of my real estate information in  (see first picture).

I did good.

So I’m sharing that with you even tho it doesn’t exactly look like art.  So I’ll use one of my torsos (22″ tall)(hangs on the wall) that is already made for my featured image and artsy creative part.  I can because there aren’t any rules.  Thank you Leah.

I like thinking outside of the box when I define “creative.”  How about you?


  • If I can use ‘creating a database’ as a post, I reckon yours is just as valid 🙂

  • Thank you for your encouragement!

  • Don’t worry, Tammy. I didn’t make art today, either. But what we do (and created) is very important, and you have the photos to prove it. Good for you!

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