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Bathroom_door Hand-made architectural-tile door surround by Tammy Vitale of Tam’s Originals

Backsplash_in_progress_2 Hand-made architectural-tile kitchen splash by Tammy Vitale of Tam’s Originals.

Time to run out and around all day.  To Catonsville, UMBC Women’s Center to drop off mostly masks and a few smaller works as well as two torsos for a 3 month show there.  It clears out the studio for a while (just in time for a studio tour to come through this weekend and I won’t have anything to show!) and I like the idea of the work being in a women’s center.  Catonsville is close to BWI airport, as it turns out, and Husband was just up there getting work done on his motorcycle.  He last came home from that and said how beautiful it is up there so, instead of freaking out about Baltimore City, I will have a great drive up by the airport and in a nice area with not much crazy traffic.  I will have to use 95 to come back to the DC beltway to get to Alchemy in Silver Spring, but that shouldn’t be too bad as I know those roads so even if they are trafficy, I know my way around if I have to get off.  Depending on what time I get done at Alchemy, I may go on into DC to the 9:30 club and hang with Husband for a while rather than battle the beltway during rush hour traffic.  Alchemy is on Georgia Avenue so all I have to do is come straight in.  9:30 Club is one block off Georgia Avenue at Howard University.  So the day is busy and I’m ready to dash out.

At least it isn’t raining – that’s supposed to come in this evening.  I hate driving in the rain around here.  Folks drive as if it’s dry….like they drive in snow…..it would be nice if everyone just took a breath and their foot off the accelerator.

Was talking with Dale of Nice and Fleezy Antiques after loading new work into ArtWorks@7th Gallery for the show this weekend.  He teaches the Course in Miracles and is always interesting to talk to especially when I’m feeling out of sorts with the Universe.  No matter what, he says turn toward the direction that feels a bit better than where you are.  And don’t expect huge jumps.  Just keep turning toward the direction that feels better.  My Aries nature doesn’t much care for small steps.  I want everything yesterday.  Patience is a virtue.  I think it must be one of my major lessons this go round on earth.

Thought for the Day:  "Human beings assign meaning; it’s what we do.  An event occurs, and in a nanosecond we interpret what the event means.  Sometimes the story is useful, and sometimes it isn’t…our goal is to stop mistaking out Stories for the Truth.  No matter how long they have been around or how many people believe them and never question them, Stories are still just Stories – they never graduate to become the Truth.

"The good news is that we can change our Stories; they’re not carved in stone…

"Regarding our Stories, the question is never ‘Is it true?’ because it can’t be true, it’s just a Story.  The question also isn’t ‘Is it the right Story?’ because that implies there’s only one correct choice.  The most helpful question is ‘Is this Story useful?’ Given what I care about, what I want to contribute, and what matters to me, is the story I’m telling myself a useful one?

"…Dr Masaru Emoto….[shows that] …Water exposed to positive messages formed beautiful hexagonal crystals, but water exposed to negative messages crystallized into chaotic fragmented shapes.  Since our bodies are 98 percent water, we too shape ourselves according to the messages in our surroundings."   Victoria Castle, The Trance of Scarcity

[you’re getting a lot of Victoria these days as I work through my own Trance of Scarcity.  I figure in addition to writing to you I am combining the physical task of typing with the mental task of reading and inserting some breathing and eventually I will turn bit by bit towards abundance – because it feels better!]

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